IELTS writing 保底 每日一文

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2017-03-21 11:15:02
小弟練緊IELTS writing 目標7
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Task 2 EX-01

Modern communications mean that it’s no longer necessary to write letters.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Advance technology allows people to contact each other conveniently whenever and wherever they are by mobile devices, radio and internet. It is understood that writing letters is less common nowadays. However, I believe writing letters is always one of the irreplaceable means of communications because of its unique meaning and representation of writers' identity.

Although the main purpose of communication is to exchange messages and data, human feelings are equally important, which can be attached to the letters. Letters have the ability to touch the soft spots of our hearts with their physical properties such as texture and how it is delivered to our hands. From personal experience, when I received the letters from my brother in America, I could imagine how far it had traveled across the land and sea from my brother's hand. I felt my brother was beside me.

Moreover, letters are pieces of art which represent the writers. Everyone has his own style of hand writing ,way to write a letter and packaging. some people may prefer block letters, single line/double line format and different arrangements of the paragraphs. The habits and background of the writers could be revealed by analysing the letters. Therefore, it is the most suitable way to tell others who we are. For example, Cover letters on papers are preferred by some multi-national companies to let the recruitment teams know the applicants.

In conclusion, letters can enrich our reading experiences and tell what type of people the writer are by its physical existences and uniqueness. Therefore, there are always occasions when a letter is the most appropriate form of communication. (273 words)
2017-03-21 12:04:30
2017-03-21 13:01:42
2017-03-21 13:27:28
2017-03-22 18:27:20
Task 2 -EX02

Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number of toys?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Some children have lots of toys given by their parents . This essay will suggest that the development of children 's brain is the biggest advantage of this and a reduced gratitude to the world is the primary disadvantage.

Playing with toys is a good way to build young children's brain. The sensation of the kids are stimulated by the colours, shapes and textures of the toys when they look at or touch the toys. This can help them understand the world and improve their cognitive power. For example, children who play with the Legos exercising their sequencing, spatial operation and problem solving ability were found 5% more intelligence than the average of the same generation in a American research.

Despite the advantages, some children often get used to the rich resources they have and become less thankful. Their desires of different toys are fulfilled by the parents easily. When they have a lot of toys, some toys are inevitably threw away or left unused that may misguide the young generation that resources could be wasted. During Christmas, I always see bunches of toys are left at the refuse rooms instead of being donated to the underprivileged.

In conclusion, this situation is not as straightforward as it first appears. More toys can give children different experiences for their brain development but may make them less grateful to the world. Therefore, one of the duties of the parent is to make an informed choice to choose the amount and type of toys. (253 words)
2017-03-23 11:45:57

It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Using internet is common in our daily life nowadays. It is regarded as one of the best ways to contact people with its convenience. However, when it comes to searching information, some people argue that it is not the same case. In my opinion, despite there are disadvantages, the internet is still the best method for finding information.

The biggest advantage of internet is easy to access. Whenever and wherever there is internet connection either wire or wireless, we can use our devices to communicate with each other. It also applies to looking for information. Other traditional methods such as going to the libraries are limited by the opening hours and location. Moreover, the world is connected by the internet allowing us to access richer resource. If anything is uploaded online publicly, it will be exposed worldwide. For example, it is hard to find hard copies of German books or newspapers in Hong Kong but they can be easily obtained via German websites.

However, the internet also brings us unreliable and fake knowledge and news, that is the biggest disadvantage. As everyone can provide information online, misleading rumors can be circulated rapidly. Content farm pages which accept articles written by anonymous users in order to gain hit rate and advertisement fee is one of the largest source of unchecked news. Last month, I read a piece of online news about the sudden death of the Queen of England, later proved totally fake. To tackle this, we can crosscheck the information in official websites and reputable scientific associations.

In conclusion, the convenience and enormous amount and huge variety of information make internet the most excellent mean to find information but we should be aware of the forged or deceiving information and choose reliable sources wisely. (294 words)
2017-03-23 11:54:17
background 係唔係countable架其實
2017-03-23 12:01:54
2017-03-23 12:02:09
eg. People are from different backgrounds
2017-03-24 10:59:16

It is generally believed that the Internet is an excellent means of communication but some people suggest that it may not be the best place to find information.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Using internet is common in our daily life nowadays. It is regarded as one of the best ways to contact people with its convenience. However, when it comes to searching information, some people argue that it is not the same case. In my opinion, despite there are disadvantages, the internet is still the best method for finding information.

The biggest advantage of internet is easy to access. Whenever and wherever there is internet connection either wire or wireless, we can use our devices to communicate with each other. It also applies to looking for information. Other traditional methods such as going to the libraries are limited by the opening hours and location. Moreover, the world is connected by the internet allowing us to access richer resources. If anything is uploaded online publicly, it will be exposed globally. For example, it is hard to find hard copies of German books or newspapers in Hong Kong but they can be easily obtained via German websites.

However, the internet also brings us unreliable and fake knowledge and news, that is the biggest disadvantage. As everyone can provide information online, misleading rumors can be circulated rapidly. Content farm pages which accept articles submitted by anonymous users in order to gain hit rate and advertisement fee is one of the largest sources of unchecked news. Last month, I read a piece of online news about the sudden death of the Queen of England, later proved totally fake. To tackle this, we can crosscheck the information provided by official websites and reputable scientific associations.

In conclusion, the convenience and enormous amount and huge variety of information make internet the most excellent mean to find information but we should be aware of the forged or deceiving information and choose reliable sources wisely. (295 words)
2017-03-24 11:29:50
有冇同路人 大家溫成點
2017-03-26 03:20:45
Task 2 EX05

Motorways help people travel quickly and cover long distances but they also cause problems. What are the problems of motorways and what solutions are there?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Motorways are important infrastructures that allow vehicles travel fast to shorten the driving time. However, it also has disadvantages such as noise and damage to the environment. This essay will discuss those disadvantages and solutions.

Noise generated by the high traffic flow is considered one of the major problems associated with motorways. As motorways are usually the fastest routes connecting the largest cities or business hubs, the traffic flow is always high day and night. The noise is usually a disturbance to the resident living along the roads. To tackle this problem, Alternative designs can be adopted to reduce the noise to acceptable level. For examples, underground designs and sound proof barriers. From my personal experience, the traffic road beside my home has been much quieter since the sound proof covers had been installed.

The second largest problem is the impact on environment caused by the construction of motorways. The designs of motorways always pass through uninhabited areas which are heavens for wild animals. Due to the constructions of motorways, the presence of different species of animals and plants are threatened by destruction of living space directly or by inefficient food sources indirectly. The problem can be alleviated by avoiding the motorways going through the ecologically valuable territories and by reservation of indigenous habitats. In Australia, as national parks were designated to limit the development of motorways and other types of constructions, the variety of animals has been well protected.

In conclusion, the developments of motorways bring us convenience with a price on quiet living environment and nature. Preventive measures such as noise isolations and routing to stay out of the precious natural territories should be considered to lower the environment costs.
2017-03-28 12:14:29
Some people think that there are things individuals can do to help prevent global climate change. Others believe that action by individuals is useless and irrelevant and that it is only governments and large businesses which can make a difference.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Write at least 250 words.

There is an increasing concern of global climate change. It is always argued that personal efforts have no effect to the big picture and only governments and larger corporations can slow down, even reverse the global warming to avoid extreme climates. This essay agrees that policies and business play a more important role than individuals and will discuss both points of view.

It is clear that every minor actions does count to prevent climate change. If everyone does the same, the effect will be noticeable. It is therefore agreed that action by individuals are useful to the prevention of global climate change. In Hong Kong, many people opt to take public transportation such as buses and underground rails. It results in the slow decreasing numbers of cars on the road and the emissions of greenhouse gases. However, the options are limited by the market, if there are no alternatives, people are forced to choose the lesser evil.

On the other hand, environmental policies and new business models are more effective means to tackle climates changes as industrial and business sectors are account for the largest proportion of the consumption of fossil fuels. Tesla Inc is the prime example to show how giant international companies and governments shape the market encouraging people to choose an environmentally friendly substitute. She has promoted efficient and user-friendly electric cars, which's sales has been fueled by government's exemption of license fee and tax allowance, leading to the declining use of petrol cars and pollutions.

In conclusion, participation by both individuals and, governments and large companies help to prevent climate change but the later is the key game changer driving greener individual and organisational behaviours from top to down. (283 word)
2017-03-29 11:33:09

Many people believe that media coverage of celebrities is having a negative effect on children.

To what extent do you agree?
Write at least 250 words.

Celebrities are always featured in news, which reports their personal life in great detail, including their lifestyle and behavouirial problems. I strongly believe that the children often exposed to this kind of media coverage will be affected adversely.

One major concern is the implant of unrealistic view of wealth. As celebrities are at the top of the income pyramid, it is uncommon that they have a luxury life style, living in grant houses, traveling around world, driving super cars. The news covers those things to draw attention from public and spread materialism that everyone should enjoy a extravagance life. However, It is completely different in reality, Average children's living environment is far worse than those described in the news. The contradiction will result in children's frustration and overspending in their later life because they do not have a full picture of the society.

The second major concern is the bad behavouirs of the celebrities being spread by the media. The drug and alcohol addiction problems of star are always reported at the front page of magazines and news paper. Although, the reports may dig in the cases deeply, the dangers of overdose and alcohol poisoning are rarely mentioned, misguiding children that taking illegal drugs and drinking excessive alcohol is uncommon and harmless. A survey conducted by The Hong Kong University revealed that children are likely to emulate the bad behvouirs they watch in TV if they are not well informed and educated.

In conclusion, A distorted view of wealth and misbehavouirs are projected to the children by the media exposure of celebrities, which prejudices their fabulous life and wrongdoings. (270 words)
2017-03-30 16:25:57
Some people think that professional athletes make good role models for young people, while others believe they don’t.

Discuss both these points of views and give your own opinion.

Professional athletes have been popular with media coverage and many fans who treat them as their models. Some people believe this trend is conductive to people's personal development especially those in their teenage while others subscribe to the notion that they have bad influence. This essay will discuss both points of views.

Admittedly, some athletes have sat a bad example with luxury lift style and being indifferent to the needy. They live in spacious houses and driving race cars supported by their incredibility high income and seldom contribute the society with voluntary service and a hand to the needy. This kind of attitude has promoted individualism which makes our next generation only care about themselves. However, it is not the mainstream as far many more famous sportsmen have continuously dedicated into charity. For instance, David Beckham, the former English league player is well-known with his charitable acts such as endorsing non-profit charitable organisations, followed by setting his own fund to help the underprivileged.

Besides, the athletes succeeds with their perseverance. Therefore, youngsters will be encouraged to reach their goal going through the ups and downs. The athletes work hard to sharpen their skills for years to get a chance of victory. The time on stage is much less than that of the trainings behind cameras. For example, the retired Lakers basketball star Kobe Bryan, he trained at 4am everyday when the world was asleep. It will be a positive influence upon developing young boys and girls' value to admire hardships and pay effort on the things they want if they pick the right role models.

In conclusion, most of the professional athletes could be positive examples to cultivate young people's right attitude and value, However, the role models should be carefully picked to exclude learning the misbehaviours conducted by the minority.(301 words)
2017-03-31 10:27:19
Government should invest more money in science education rather than other subjects to develop the country. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

People have different views on the subject that government should invest in and prioritize teaching science related subjects in order to develop the country . In my opinion, nowadays it is the golden era of advance in technology which plays a larger role in economic activities and our lives. Therefore, I hold a positive stand toward this statement.

In the past, western counties expanded the market by acquiring colonists or forcing other countries to eliminate the taxes and bans on imported good and the developing countries have developed their industrial businesses with low cost labours. However, most countries' economy has stagnated as the above methods have reached the saturation point. Breakthroughs in the technological invention are needed to create new market and demand. Smart phone is a prime example. In the past, no one thinks they must have one, however it is regarded as a necessity in developed world now. That is why the government should spend more on scientific educations including information technologies and engineering to provide human resources to deal with the rising demand of advanced workforce.

Besides, the advanced technology is the foundation of higher living standard and medical treatments. Every aspects of daily life is affected by technology. For examples, we can travel by planes to remote counties in hours, as compared to the old days, we have to take months or years on boats. Targeted therapy and minimally invasive surgery were also invented to heal cancers and other diseases. Behind those innovations, there were many scientists, engineers and other technical staff who worked hard and benefited the society.

In conclusion, I strongly believe science education will be the engine of the economic growth and technological breakthroughs, which lead to better living environment for the citizens. Thus, the government should spare more budget on science education. (300 words)
2017-04-02 23:08:03
More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine.
Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that the wealthier countries are stealing human resources from poor countries by encouraging specialists such as engineers, programmers and doctors to move and work there, while others hold an opposite view that it is only part of the global movement of workers. This essay agrees the latter view and disagrees that specialists are being stolen from poor countries.

As nowadays is the age of globalization, it is natural that more people are leaving their home countries, the skilled workers are no exceptions. People have more chances to know more about another side of the earth or even travel there with the Internet and shorter traveling time. Therefore, it is no surprise that some of them would like to immigrate to a place that best suits them. In my own experience, the idea of immigration has always been sparked in my mind when I travel to other countries where preserves more green area with a more relaxing living style as compared to Hong Kong.

Furthermore, the poor countries are also benefited by the movement of skilled people with the advance in technology. The exchange of ideas and knowledge and advanced research will be facilitated if talent people emerge in the rich countries where offers better resources. The vaccine of Ebola is a prime example which was invented in the developed countries to stop the plague in Africa.

In conclusion, the movement of the qualified or skilled people is a natural development of the global society and it is beneficial to all countries. Therefore, it should not be regarded that the rich countries is taking advantages of the poor countries. (271 words)
2017-04-03 12:31:08
Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.
Do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

In recent years the vast expansion of information and communications technology has made teleworking much more practical. Some argue that if employees are encouraged to finish part of their work at home instead of going to offices every day , both employee and employers will be benefited. This essay agrees that working from home is a win-win situation for both employee and employers.

It is undoubted that working from home can boost the efficiency of the company. A lot of time has been wasted on the commute between staff's home and the workplace. If the time is allocated to work or rest, it will be more productive. In my personal experience, I had 1.5 hour commute to my office every day that resulted in my exhaustion and mistakes in work. In respect to this problem, I have been allowed to work at home for 1 working day per week. Consequently my performance is incredibly improved and mistake-free .

Furthermore, the family relationship will be enhanced by the flexibility of working location and prevent the loss of experienced workers from the companies' point of view. One of the main reasons employees resign is to spend more time with their families. Home office can facilitate family relationship and preserve valuable workforce for the employees. For example, IBM Inc. has provided "working from home" scheme for their staff, the employee turnover rate has significantly dropped.

In conclusion. working from home should be advocated because it helps company increase the efficiency and keep skillful workers, also let employees have better quality of life and more time to stay with their families. (269 words)
2017-04-07 22:27:20
Dreamscometrue巴打 你等閒可唔可以telegram我 我有啲移民既問題想問下你
Btw ielts 考試順利
Tg: Csyin
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