[我愛巴克利] 車路士球迷開季討論區


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Hanako 2019-09-21 00:06:24
E.Lamela 2019-09-21 00:07:37
E.Lamela 2019-09-21 00:08:31
當初奧狗遞紙,Marina 玩強留
成班車迷大讚marina 好波

英國脫歐隨時cut 外援quota
Djilobodji 2019-09-21 00:08:35
山本美月.. 2019-09-21 00:08:42
E.Lamela 2019-09-21 00:09:18
E.Lamela 2019-09-21 00:10:06
E=mgh 2019-09-21 00:12:28
Schurrle 2019-09-21 00:13:48
R.Falcao9 2019-09-21 00:14:02
讀書不成 2019-09-21 00:14:06
脫歐之後 放出去賺5倍
Djilobodji 2019-09-21 00:14:22
Ballack 2019-09-21 00:17:05
R.Falcao9 2019-09-21 00:18:21
同Marina 玩賺錢唔夠佢黎車由大部分正選都係外國球員,今季突然本土青訓真係唔太慣
R.Falcao9 2019-09-21 00:18:58
Hanako 2019-09-21 00:20:04
睇埋Matt Law 篇J文直頭係女神
原來transfer ban先係marina主場
Hanako 2019-09-21 00:34:27
每個月淨係可以睇幾篇free我copy d重點出嚟


Inside Chelsea: From 'big brother' Rudiger to Giroud consoling Abraham - how older players are guiding youth
- Simon Johnson & Liam Twomey

Asked after the Valencia loss if the club’s senior players feel like they need to do more this season, veteran goalkeeper Willy Caballero told The Athletic: “Yes, of course. We have a lot of experience in the dressing room and we need to use that to help the younger players.

“They are doing very well in the team when they play. This was their first time in the Champions League but the important thing is we work together. First of all, it’s important we as senior players make sure they don’t feel the pressure. We work as a team.

”We have a lot of experienced players that are for sure going to show that they are important too, winning games for Chelsea and showing in important moments why they are key also.

“Is it important the goals come from elsewhere? Of course. Do we all have to step up? Of course.”

There are no complaints at Cobham, where the more senior figures in Lampard’s squad have been widely credited with helping Abraham, Mount and Tomori to hit the ground running.
Hanako 2019-09-21 00:36:17
Club captain Cesar Azpilicueta, in particular, has played a key role in making sure the trio adapted quickly. He ensured they felt welcomed right from the start of pre-season into what is a competitive environment, where team-mates are constantly battling against each other for minutes on the pitch.

The Spain defender has really tried to help Abraham improve as a centre forward. During training camp, he could be seen ordering the 21-year-old around — instructing him on where he should be and giving the odd telling off, saying, “You’re our No 9. We need more”. When he did something well, cries of, “Good, good” were audible.

Now that 19-year-old Reece James is close to fitness, Azpilicueta may be feeling a little insecure about his position at right back — yet the relationship between the two players is a close one. Asked about James earlier this year, Azpilicueta said: “I am here to help everybody and he is an amazing kid. He has a very good mentality.

“When he first came (to train with the senior side), he was already used to the way we play. After he arrived, I was playing as a centre-back so he was training on the right next to me. It was easy for me to get close to him and help him with the movements and to get used to the way we play.”
Hanako 2019-09-21 00:38:18
Willian, the oldest player in Chelsea’s starting XI against Wolves and Valencia, has also embraced a more collaborative spirit with the likes of Mount and Christian Pulisic.

“When I can do something to help them, I do,” he told The Athletic. “In life, you can learn every day. It doesn’t matter how old you are. I learn every day from them and they learn every day from me. That’s the most important thing.

“The young players are doing well at the moment. They play very well. The team now is a bit different from last season. New profile, new philosophy; everything is different from last season.

“They have great potential to become the best players in the league in the future because they have the quality. They have everything to do that. I expect a lot from them but we have to give them time. The fans have to give them time because it’s a new journey. We have to go day-by-day.”
Hanako 2019-09-21 00:40:00
“I have been talking with Tammy a lot,” Giroud later said. “My main role is to look after these young players like Tammy and try and help them to improve. When you’re a striker and you miss some chances or you miss a penalty, you must carry on and make sure you never give up.”

Speaking after the Valencia loss, Caballero added: “Every player in this kind of position is showing great professionalism. This is the case with Olivier. He is a very good team-mate in the changing room. He is always talking and helping Tammy. This is fantastic from him.”
扑the標打 2019-09-21 00:42:17
Schurrle 2019-09-21 00:52:10
派膠派到手軟 2019-09-21 00:52:33
而家西女人一個transfer ban 賺2億
整多個transfer ban 夠錢full pay 一個球場仲勁過雲加
堺雅人 2019-09-21 00:53:24
佢d 球王片都係預備組cut 返黎,就知條友有幾把炮
柔道龍虎榜 2019-09-21 00:56:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞