「和勇旗」的中心為兩把雨傘。 雨傘對香港民主運動有重要的意義,因為它既是示威者常用的工具,同時也是香港人渴求民主的標誌。
旗幟上其中一把雨傘為黑色,代表「勇武派」,他們捍衛香港,擋在前面。另一把較大的雨傘為黃色,代表數以百萬計的「和理非」,他們同樣保衛香港,並與「勇武派」相輔而行。兩把雨傘有着同樣的中心點,代表兩派 (也就是所有真香港人!)有着同樣信念,團結一致,以保護香港為己任,但兩把雨傘所展示的角度並不相同,象徵着民主運動的多元和活力。
The "concentric umbrellas" flag bears at its centre two umbrellas. The humble umbrella is loaded with significance for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, as it is ubiquitously used by Hong Kong protesters and has come to symbolize Hongkongers' longing for democracy.
On the flag, the umbrella in front is black, representing the "Braves" at the frontlines defending Hong Kong. The larger umbrella at the back is yellow, symbolizing the millions of peaceful protesters who are also staunch defenders of Hong Kong alongside the "Braves." The concentric design signifies that both the "Braves" and the peaceful protesters—that is, all true Hongkongers—will stand as one to protect Hong Kong. The two umbrellas are t