Thank you for your email in regards to finding out if you have previously had a BNO passport before.
In order to obtain the information you require you will need to make an official disclosure request called a Subject Access Request (SAR).
A request for a SAR can be made via email or letter. The letter/email must clearly state what information is being requested and be made by the person whose personal information it is, or their authorised representative. There is no fee required.
Include formal proof of identity from the person whose personal information it is. Acceptable proof of identify are:- a copy of the person's passport / driving licence / an original of a recent utility bill or bank statement. Upon receipt of the request, however, additional information or documents may be required according to the individuals circumstances, for example if there is a court order involved.
Details of any name changes and the dates in which they occurred.
Her Majesty’s Passport Office has up to 30 days to process the request after all of the above has been received.
The contact details for SAR requests are:
Disclosure of Information Searching Team
Her Majesty’s Passport Office
Aragon court
Northminster road
These requirements are set out in the Data Protection Act at sections 7(2) and 7(3) as amended by the Freedom of Information Act. A response cannot be given until the above is fulfilled.
7cool-look2019-09-17 03:54:52
Feel_the_Bern2019-09-17 04:27:36
一句講哂, 97年7月1號之前冇申請及得到bno既,就冇得拎,因為已經過哂最後機會
無敵家2019-09-17 05:41:56
士林夜店2019-09-17 05:53:28
我嗰本已經寄左出去申請緊, 係咪內頁寫British National (Oversea) 就一定係BNO