[推到完場] 拉科魯尼亞 對 巴塞隆拿

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2017-03-12 23:46:25
2017-03-12 23:46:26
2017-03-12 23:46:45
Minute 2: Offside goal by Luis Suarez

Minute 11: Uncalled penalty on Javier Mascherano after using his hands inside the box.

Minute 23: Red card not given to Pique.

Minute 42: What should have been a second yellow for Gerard Pique turned into Edinson Cavani being booked.

Minute 45: Three and a half minutes of added time.

Minute 48: Non-existent penalty on Neymar, who deliberately seeks contact.

Minute 54: Neymar simulates a penalty again. A card was not issued.

Minute 64: Act of aggression by Neymar, who deserved to be sent off.

Minute 78: Hand-ball by Pique inside the box. Not called.

Minute 85: Uncalled penalty on Mascherano for taking down Angel Di Maria inside the box.

Minute 89: Blatant dive by Suarez that somehow earned a penalty.

Minute 90: Five minutes of added time (or until Barcelona score)

Minute 92: Suarez deserved to be shown a second yellow card for simulating a penalty.


2017-03-12 23:47:25
2017-03-12 23:47:35

2017-03-12 23:47:36
Minute 2: Offside goal by Luis Suarez

Minute 11: Uncalled penalty on Javier Mascherano after using his hands inside the box.

Minute 23: Red card not given to Pique.

Minute 42: What should have been a second yellow for Gerard Pique turned into Edinson Cavani being booked.

Minute 45: Three and a half minutes of added time.

Minute 48: Non-existent penalty on Neymar, who deliberately seeks contact.

Minute 54: Neymar simulates a penalty again. A card was not issued.

Minute 64: Act of aggression by Neymar, who deserved to be sent off.

Minute 78: Hand-ball by Pique inside the box. Not called.

Minute 85: Uncalled penalty on Mascherano for taking down Angel Di Maria inside the box.

Minute 89: Blatant dive by Suarez that somehow earned a penalty.

Minute 90: Five minutes of added time (or until Barcelona score)

Minute 92: Suarez deserved to be shown a second yellow card for simulating a penalty.



2017-03-12 23:47:37
Minute 2: Offside goal by Luis Suarez

Minute 11: Uncalled penalty on Javier Mascherano after using his hands inside the box.

Minute 23: Red card not given to Pique.

Minute 42: What should have been a second yellow for Gerard Pique turned into Edinson Cavani being booked.

Minute 45: Three and a half minutes of added time.

Minute 48: Non-existent penalty on Neymar, who deliberately seeks contact.

Minute 54: Neymar simulates a penalty again. A card was not issued.

Minute 64: Act of aggression by Neymar, who deserved to be sent off.

Minute 78: Hand-ball by Pique inside the box. Not called.

Minute 85: Uncalled penalty on Mascherano for taking down Angel Di Maria inside the box.

Minute 89: Blatant dive by Suarez that somehow earned a penalty.

Minute 90: Five minutes of added time (or until Barcelona score)

Minute 92: Suarez deserved to be shown a second yellow card for simulating a penalty.



2017-03-12 23:47:52
2017-03-12 23:48:09
2017-03-12 23:48:09
2017-03-12 23:48:21
Minute 2: Offside goal by Luis Suarez

Minute 11: Uncalled penalty on Javier Mascherano after using his hands inside the box.

Minute 23: Red card not given to Pique.

Minute 42: What should have been a second yellow for Gerard Pique turned into Edinson Cavani being booked.

Minute 45: Three and a half minutes of added time.

Minute 48: Non-existent penalty on Neymar, who deliberately seeks contact.

Minute 54: Neymar simulates a penalty again. A card was not issued.

Minute 64: Act of aggression by Neymar, who deserved to be sent off.

Minute 78: Hand-ball by Pique inside the box. Not called.

Minute 85: Uncalled penalty on Mascherano for taking down Angel Di Maria inside the box.

Minute 89: Blatant dive by Suarez that somehow earned a penalty.

Minute 90: Five minutes of added time (or until Barcelona score)

Minute 92: Suarez deserved to be shown a second yellow card for simulating a penalty.



2017-03-12 23:48:35
手足們 唔好quote la
2017-03-12 23:48:47
2017-03-12 23:49:15

2017-03-12 23:49:17
2017-03-12 23:49:19
2017-03-12 23:49:30
唔好quote佢地 直接block
2017-03-12 23:49:39

2017-03-12 23:49:50
2017-03-12 23:49:51
2017-03-12 23:50:21
2017-03-12 23:50:25
2017-03-12 23:50:26
2017-03-12 23:50:26
唔好quote佢地 直接block

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