
414 回覆
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2019-09-08 12:59:40
2019-09-08 18:13:53
2019-09-09 11:01:02
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-09 13:44:21
2019-09-09 14:10:41
2019-09-09 14:11:21
2019-09-09 14:41:47

約6:00pm 啱啱喺中環嗰個警察 好清晰好大聲咁對住啲空氣同埋記者講, 你哋依家嚴重破壞xxxx, 嚴重違法行為xxxxx, 屈示威者,,, 之後佢哋突然間跑去空地度捉空氣定唔知鬼魂?

約6:53 (銅鑼灣先啱唔喺灣仔) 見到郭富城喺架黑色車上面, 前面就係美國旗示威者

約7:05, 銅鑼灣地鐵站外,警察突然從不知什麼地方偷襲行人, 射出催淚彈, 恐怖襲擊銅鑼灣行人, 這時沒有人幫香港人

約7點18, 銅鑼灣地鐵站外, 數名軍裝警員突然 打一名手無寸鐵的女士, 推倒在地上, 按在地下,同時還有其他人被警察 恐怖襲擊 但鏡頭影不清楚

議員/ 有美國passport巴絲可否幫手打電話去美領講下,25239011,情況危急!嚴重人度危機!

緊急, 推到美領/ 美國記者 見到, 現在情況十萬火急! 遲一秒幫手/少一個人幫推/發聲就多一個人俾人扑爆頭/ 毆到骨折/ 無理被捕/ 畀人斬(有人見到刀手上咗車:VJ205 ,七人車 )

Emergency situation now
serious humanitarian crisis
8/9/2019 HK:
1. Hong Kong Police blocked all the nearby MTR stations without any reason ,make hongkongers cant leave

2.They are catching any people without any reason right now

3.Hong kong polices pretend protesters destroying things,burning things,etc.(some of them have red ribbon to recognize) hong kong police making a lot of dramas to overthrow the Letter of No Objection,then they start to do what they want to do such as crazily catching people and shooting people etc.

4.China find some brainwashed people blame hongkongers in mtr stations , inciting hongkongers stay in MTR stations so that police can continuously and easily catching people in MTR stations( one of the examples is the man wearing yellow t-shirt in Kam Chung station blaming Hongkongers in around 5:25pm )

5.The efficient time of Letter of No Objection is far far far beyond finishing time, however Polices are start shooting people within the Letter of No Objection efficient time

6. in around 6:00pm, in Central , the police saying to the air and the press that: you guys are criminal, destroying things ,burning things,etc, after saying that, they suddenly run in to the air and catching the things that cant see by human

7.Around 6:15pm ,some people with knifes in a car and dont know where they going now,car number is VJ205,seven-person car,police turn a blind eye as usual, so no one help us now !

8.Polices are move about Hongkongers in Causeway Bay in 6:50pm

9.7:05pm, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong police suddenly shoot few shots of tear gas to passerby,however no one help us when we facing that kind of terrorist attack

10.7:18pm, outside Causeway Bay mtr station, some polices suddenly attack one girl without reason, push her down into the floor , also some other people been attack by the police at the same time ,however when Hongkongers facing that kind of terrorist attack,no one help us

11. Some Moon cakes been stolen in yau ma tei mtr station today, Police immediately use their resources to check cctv to find the thief but turn a blind eye on killer killing hong kong people

12.around 8:39pm police terrorist attack passerby again, shooting some shots of tear gas to passerby again

13.The most important thing is We need help now !!!!The hong kong polices are hitting, shooting and catching people without any reason right now!Just exactly doing what ISIS do, more and more people will get seriously damage in the coming hours If no one help ,it is emergency!SOS!
2019-09-09 14:59:58
2019-09-09 21:15:52
2019-09-09 21:18:24
2019-09-09 21:20:34
仲有最好港島 旺角
2019-09-09 21:26:59
2019-09-09 21:34:41
2019-09-09 22:14:45
2019-09-10 09:55:46
2019-09-10 12:45:35
2019-09-10 21:35:17
2019-09-11 09:47:08
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 10:03:38
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 10:16:24
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 10:21:19
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 10:27:31
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 10:45:37
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 11:24:14
光復香港 時代革命
2019-09-11 19:57:36
光復香港 時代革命
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