Fitness First 有個First Time Visit優惠

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2019-08-17 00:33:15
Fitness First 有個First Time Visit優惠
姐係第一次去等佢介紹完 佢有個Startup fee減好多 但要即場決定
如果過左個星期可唔可以補返 定要收返原價
2019-08-19 14:45:37
2019-08-20 04:50:39
講左勁多數字,又咩第一次join要俾手續費,然後又一筆body check費,最後又月費,聽到我頭都大
2019-08-20 14:03:20
你去邊間center? 除返每月幾錢?
2019-08-20 19:52:57
外國fitness first 平好多!My friend Jason who’s a gym membership salesman is going to make a follow-up call and send a follow-up email to a customer who’s interested in joining the ten year membership. I used to work at a gym and whenever a customer paid a visit to the gym I always followed it up with a call or an email. Some of my colleagues followed it up with a visit to the customer. My friend Ken who wants to join his gym had a meeting yesterday and a follow-up has been scheduled for tomorrow. He’s also writing a follow-up to the acclaimed “the invisible man” so he’s so busy that he won’t have time to pay a follow-up visit to the gym for the time being. Therefore, I handed him the membership agreement for Jason and will follow up with him in the next few days. The membership costs four hundred and fifty dollars a month which is well worth it for the wide range of facilities you can use. They sell a tub of whey protein for three hundred and fifty dollars which is worth it as it’s normally two times more expensive. Last Thursday Ken complained that he was treated badly at Starbucks. As a result, a barista provided a referral to a senior staff member who in turn referred his case to the manager. He’ll follow the case up with the manager to be sure that it’ll be dealt with seriously. In addition he’s been ill with a stomachache so I referred him to a gastroenterologist. Recently he posted on an online forum and suggested building an art gallery to boost tourism which was supported by many people on the forum. They asked the forum administrator for a referral to a district councilor. They’ll follow up with the district councilor on the matter being discussed. I’ll follow up on the issue too. His suggestions for the city’s future and the citizens are deemed appropriate. I hear a music hall is being set up at Tokyo university with a grant from the faculty of humanities. The construction of it is progressing well. Though the construction is an arduous and complex undertaking but it’ll be worth it.
2019-08-20 19:53:49
2019-08-20 19:58:39

2019-08-20 19:58:50






2019-08-20 20:32:05
2019-08-21 11:12:03
當然可以補返啦 sales 最怕冇數
2019-08-21 11:21:00
係咪任上佢d 堂
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