[文宣] 發夢之歌: 自由之旗・自由之民, 一首代表我地理念既歌.


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wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:10:14
發夢左咁耐, 係咪應該搵一首支持我地信念既歌, 去將我地既信念帶俾全世界呢?
仲記得當初我地唱Do you hear the people sing, 個感染力比呢兩個星期既新聞感染力更大.
我地既初心, 係反送中, 與其成日俾官媒話我地暴力, 我地就用歌聲去將我地既理念唱出去.
我揀左一首歌, 歌詞係對自由既響往, 對抗官媒暴力既抹黑, 呢首歌絕對可以反擊.

歌聲+歌詞, 絕對比我地口講既力量大好撚多!!!!!

可以聽住黎睇歌詞. 覺得好, 請正評並推post.


Liberty stands for freedom
Oh hail the flag that set us free
standing righteous symbolic of
strength our hopes for freedom to be.
My friends reunite hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men.

Fighting hard for the future
The promise of a better day
For tomorrow we drink from the cup,
the wine we fought for today
my friends, let us sing a song
sing a long ring a bell, liberty!
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men.

"F" that stands for our freedom
as well the flag that stands so strong
Sprite set free in our future land,
so let us share in this song
My friends, not so far away
Rules will reunite hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men.
懶Laam 2019-08-16 02:12:11
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
咩係委任證 2019-08-16 02:13:12
對付中國網友必殺技 (已測試超有效)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:13:25
我地如果靜坐, 係可以唱呢首歌, 派埋歌詞俾旅客,
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:15:04
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:15:46
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:16:56
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:19:43
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:23:08
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:23:18
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:23:30
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:27:53

Liberty stands for freedom
Oh hail the flag that set us free
standing righteous, symbolic of
strength our hopes for freedom to be
My friends, not so far away
Rulers will reunite hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men

Fighting hard for the future
The promise of a better day
For tomorrow we drink from the cup
the wine we fought for today
My friends, let us sing a song
sing along ring a bell, liberty!
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men

"F" that stands for our freedom
as well the flag that stands so strong
Spirits set free in our future land.
so let us share in this song
My friends, not so far away
Rulers will reunite hand in hand
Oh hail! Liberty bell!
True freedom for all men
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:28:56
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:39:25
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:42:50
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:50:15
wenliyang 2019-08-16 02:59:45
前線大台話點就點 2019-08-16 03:11:33
白間美瑠 2019-08-16 14:55:10
wenliyang 2019-08-16 15:11:31
playerxplayer 2019-08-18 03:27:30
推 推到會出現一首屬於我地香港人抗爭意志既歌
wenliyang 2019-08-18 03:28:28
可惜你同我都係P牌, 推唔上去.
playerxplayer 2019-08-18 03:38:17
雖然我唔係69打後先開 但我登入日數唔夠 幫唔到樓主推post
wenliyang 2019-08-18 03:40:40
離勝利仲有好長距離, 要由短期變長期, 理念之爭係好重要.
紐倫堡的名歌手 2019-08-18 08:02:21
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞