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2016-11-30 23:05:33


2016-11-30 23:08:38
其實如果 LIHKG 嘅咁多位都有興趣編寫嘅話,可以加入: https://www.facebook.com/groups/words.hk.editors/
2016-11-30 23:14:15
2016-11-30 23:28:42
2016-11-30 23:34:58

一個係facebook group 一個係網站wo
2016-11-30 23:36:43
2016-11-30 23:41:22
2016-11-30 23:42:14

【燈 dang1 (n.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/燈
照明嘅工具(量詞:盞/支) light; lamp
呢度好黑啊,唔該開着盞燈吖。 (ni1 dou6 hou2 haak1 aa3, m4 goi1 hoi1 zoek6 zaan2 dang1 aa1.)
It's very dark here, please turn the light on.
你出去嘅時候記住熄晒啲燈。 (nei5 ceot1 heoi3 ge3 si4 hau6 gei3 zyu6 sik1 saai3 di1 dang1.)
Don't forget to switch off the lights when you go out.

【燈 dang1 (v. / adj.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/燈
形容一個人嘅預測推算能力極為差劣,應驗嘅事情往往係預測嘅相反,所以被人當做反操作指標/逆參考點。通常用於股票市場或賭博上 to be so bad at making predictions that one becomes a counter reference; to offer predictions for something but the opposite ends up being true
佢真係好燈㗎,同佢唱反調就一定有運行。 (keoi5 zan1 hai6 hou2 dang1 gaa3, tung4 keoi5 coeng3 faan2 diu6 zau6 jat1 ding6 jau5 wan6 haang4.)
He's so bad at making predictions you'll always succeed if you go the opposite way as him.
蕭生真係燈神嚟㗎,十年嚟冇一次估中。 (siu1 saang1 zan1 hai6 dang1 san4 lai4 gaa3, sap6 nin4 lei4 mou5 jat1 ci3 gu2 zung3.)
Mr. Siu is such a master in wrongly predicting things that he has never been right the last 10 years.
2016-11-30 23:43:23

2016-11-30 23:54:26
2016-12-01 00:05:11
2016-12-01 00:09:57
2016-12-01 00:10:02

一個係facebook group 一個係網站wo

2016-12-01 00:21:19
蕭生真係燈神嚟㗎,十年嚟冇一次估中。 (siu1 saang1 zan1 hai6 dang1 san4 lai4 gaa3, sap6 nin4 lei4 mou5 jat1 ci3 gu2 zung3.)
Mr. Siu is such a master in wrongly predicting things that he has never been right the last 10 years.
2016-12-01 09:26:49

一個係facebook group 一個係網站wo


2016-12-01 09:41:41

【吖 aa1 (intj.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/吖
突然醒起啲嘢嗰陣,用嚟引起對方注意 (通常帶下降語調) used to attract listeners' attention when there is a sudden realisation (usually said with falling intonation)
吖,佢可能去咗旺角啊。 (aa1, keoi5 ho2 nang4 heoi3 zo2 wong6 gok3 aa3.)
Oh, maybe he went to Mong Kok.

【吖 aa1 (part.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/吖
① 用喺主題之後,表達說話者對主題貶斥或者鄙視 used after the topic to express criticism or belittlement
睇下佢吖,緊張成噉喎! (tai2 haa5 keoi5 aa1, gan2 zoeng1 seng4 gam2 wo4!)
Look at him, how nervous he is now!
你吖!噉樣對我? (nei5 aa1! gam2 joeng2 deoi3 ngo5?)
Hey you, how can you do this to me?

② 通常用喺形容詞+到後面,取代本身用嚟描述程度嘅補語,以表示難以言喻 used after the adjective + 到 dou3 construction in place of where a description or comparison is expected, to express that something is indescribable
你班友貪心到吖! (nei5 baan1 jau2 taam1 sam1 dou3 aa1!)
You guys are just so greedy (that I can't think of a word to describe it)!
佢女朋友靚到吖,真係! (keoi5 neoi5 pang4 jau5 leng3 dou3 aa1, zan1 hai6!)
Her girlfriend is so pretty, really pretty!

③ 加喺帶述說動詞嘅分句之後,用嚟表示態度坦誠(字音要拉長同後面要有停頓) added after the a clause with words like "tell" or "speak" to express sincerity (the syllable must be lengthened and followed by a pause)
老實講吖,⋯ (lou5 sat6 gong2 aa1)
To tell the truth, ...
講開又講吖,⋯ (gong2 hoi1 jau6 gong2 aa1)
As we are on this topic, ...

④ 語氣中隱含不滿、不快,又或者對自己所講嘅嘢表示不以為然 used to emphasise one's displeasure or to draw attention through disapproval
佢攞影后唔出奇吖。 (keoi5 lo2 jing2 hau6 m4 ceot1 kei4 aa1.)
It's not surprising at all that she got the best actress award.

⑤ 放喺問句度表示質疑 used in questions to express doubts
你試過未吖? (nei5 si3 gwo3 mei6 aa1?)
Have you tried it before?
佢而家去咗未吖? (keoi5 ji4 gaa1 heoi3 zo2 mei6 aa1?)
Has she got there yet?
噉你而家即係想點吖? (gam2 nei5 ji4 gaa1 ze1 hai6 soeng2 dim2 aa1?)
So what exactly do you want now, huh?

⑥ 係祈使句入面使用,可以令語氣婉轉啲,冇咁強硬 used to soften the force of requests or suggestions, usu. with a sense of seeking the hearer's compliance
你示範一次俾我睇吖。 (nei5 si6 faan6 jat1 ci3 bei2 ngo5 tai2 aa1.)
Could you show me how to do it please?
開門俾我吖。 (hoi1 mun4 bei2 ngo5 aa1.)
Open the door for me, will you?
我哋不如講吓買車吖。 (ngo5 dei6 bat1 jyu4 gong2 haa5 maai5 ce1 aa1.)
Let's talk about buying cars, shall we?
你要幾多個橙啊?五個吖。 (nei5 jiu3 gei2 do1 go3 caang2 aa3? ng5 go3 aa1.)
How many oranges do you want? Five please.

⑦ 用嚟提出一啲對方似乎唔認同嘅正面意見 actually; in fact (only used with positive comments)
呢條裙幾好睇吖。 (ni1 tiu4 kwan4 gei2 hou2 tai2 aa1.)
This dress actually looks quite nice.
其實你一啲都唔肥吖。 (kei4 sat6 nei5 jat1 di1 dou1 m4 fei4 aa1.)
Actually you are not fat at all.
2016-12-01 09:47:31
2016-12-01 10:14:52
2016-12-01 10:21:58
2016-12-01 11:18:53
【得 dak1 (n.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/得
攞到嘅嘢;好處;同「失」相對 advantage; gain
有得,不過都有失。 (jau5 dak1, bat1 gwo3 dou1 jau5 sat1.)
There's gain, but there's also loss.

【得 dak1 (affix.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/得
① 可以;得到准許 used after a verb to mean "it is okay" or "it is alright" to do something
我唔飲得酒。 (ngo5 m4 jam2 dak1 zau2)
I can't drink.
俾我抖下得唔得呀。 (bei2 ngo5 tau2 haa5 dak1 m4 dak1 aa3)
Can you give me a break?

② 用喺動詞或者形容詞後面嘅連接補語,表示效果或程度 a structural particle used to join a verb with various kinds of complements showing degree or result of an action
佢跑得好快。 (keoi5 paau2 dak1 hou2 faai3)
He's running fast. / He runs fast.
啲貨去得好快。 (di1 fo3 heoi3 dak1 hou2 faai3.)
The goods are selling out fast.
你諗得太多喇。 (nei5 nam2 dak1 taai3 do1 laa3.)
You are thinking too much.

③ 喺從句入面,用嚟強調動作、行為幾咁重要 to have even done; to have gone so far as to (only used in subordinate clauses to emphasise the important of an action)
應承得,就唔可以反口。 (jing1 sing4 dak1, zau6 m4 ho2 ji5 faan2 hau2.)
Having (gone so far as to have) agreed on this, I cannot break my promise.
報得名嘅人,我都預咗嚟㗎喇。 (bou3 dak1 meng2 ge3 jan4, ngo5 dou1 jyu6 zo2 lai4 gaa3 laa3.)
For people who have gone so far as to have registered. I will expect them to come.
做得一樣,唔爭在做多樣啦。 (zou6 dak1 jat1 joeng6, m4 zeng1 zoi6 zou6 do1 joeng6 laa1.)
Having completed one, you shouldn't mind doing just to do one more.

【得 dak1 (v.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/得
① 淨係有 to only have
呢度得返五個人。 (ni1 dou6 dak1 faan1 ng5 go3 jan4.)
There are only five people left here.
我而家得十蚊喺身,唔夠俾錢喎。 (ngo5 ji4 gaa1 dak1 sap6 man1 hai2 san1, m4 gau3 bei2 cin2 wo3.)
I only have ten dollars with me. I don't have enough money to pay.

② 放喺動詞後面,表示數量上嘅限定 placed after another verb to express limit or restriction of quantity
我食得三碗飯。 (ngo5 sik6 dak1 saam1 wun2 faan6.)
I only at three bowls of rice.

【得 dak1 (adj.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/得
① 可以接受 okay; acceptable
得唔得㗎? (dak1 m4 dak1 gaa3?)
Is that okay?

② 表示可行;自身能力或條件許可,可以去做一件事 used to express ability, possibility of or permitted to doing something; can; able to
信我啦,你得嘅。 (seon3 ngo5 laa1, nei5 dak1 ge3.)
Trust me, you can do it.

③ 正;好;掂 great; good
嗰條女好得呀! (go2 tiu4 neoi2 hou2 dak1 aa3!)
That chick is so good (=hot)!
呢隻藥好得呀,食完好咗好多。 (ni1 zek3 joek6 hou2 dak1 aa3, sik6 zo2 hou2 zo2 hou2 do1.)
This drug is good. After taking it I feel much better now.

【得 dak1 (morph.) 】 http://beta.words.hk/zidin/得
① 喺九因歌入面,用嚟帶出相乘嘅結果 to equal to; used in the multiplication song
配詞 / 用法:
二五得一十 (ji6 ng5 dak1 jat1 sap6)
two times five is ten

二二得四(=二二如四) (ji6 ji6 dak1 sei3)
two times two is four (usually the word 如 jyu4 is used instead)

② 表達同意 an interjection to express approval; OK; sure
得!我即刻嚟。 (dak1! ngo5 zik1 hak1 lai4.)
OK! I'm coming right away.
唔得呀,我今晚唔得閒! (m4 dak1 aa3, ngo5 gam1 maan5 m4 dak1 haan4!)
No that's not okay. I'm not free tonight!

③ 攞到 to receive; to get
配詞 / 用法:
得到 (dak1 dou3)
獲得 (wok6 dak1)

信耶穌得永生。 (seon3 je4 sou1 dak1 wing5 sang1.)
Believe in Jesus and (you will) get an eternal life.

④ 演算產生結果 to calculate; to compute
配詞 / 用法:
#得出 (dak1 ceot1)
to deduce
求得 (kau4 dak1)
to find
2016-12-01 15:11:46
多謝支持,有興趣嘅話可以上我哋 Facebook 望望:
2016-12-01 22:34:06
多謝支持,有興趣嘅話可以上我哋 Facebook 望望:

2016-12-01 22:34:44
2016-12-01 23:18:33
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞