2019-08-31 02:10:24
1. 繼續同美國講呢場運動未完,個六個議員唔代表香港。
(Anti-extradition to China protest has not ended yet. 6 of official legislators in The Montana meeting are not representing HK people)
2. 過人權法、俾普選、懲罰港共官員、無普選就制裁香港。
( To the USA congress:
Please pass Hong Kong Human Right and Democracy Act :
1. to grant HK people dual universal suffrage to elect legislators and Chief Executive of HK.
2. To punish all officials of HK gov and China , whom proposed extradition bill)
3. If there is NO true autonomy for HK, please impose any sanctions on HK)
3. 伊朗同香港有關係。
(Carrie Lam and HK gov used HK as white gloves to trade with Iran)
4. 五大訴求
(1/ Completely withdraw Extradition Bill.
2/ Retract the proclamation that protests on 9th June and 12th June were riots
3/ Withdraw criminal charges against all protesters
4/ Thoroughly investigate abuse of powers by the police.
5/ Dissolve the Legislative Council by administrative order, and immediately implement Dual Universal Suffrage.)