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2019-08-12 07:24:31
大家對尋晚嘅 一直發生嘅事 都好痛心疾首

喺呢段期間多咗好多外國人關注香港情況 不少人有喺quora上問及香港現況同問題 但可恨係回答問題嘅 大部分係大陸人 好多答案都係脫離事實 同埋刻意抹黑抗爭嘅巿民

如果文宣組有餘力 希望花啲時間去quora 話返個正確嘅現況俾外國人知道
2019-08-12 07:25:36
2019-08-12 07:25:46
2019-08-12 07:25:58
2019-08-12 07:27:38
2019-08-12 07:27:52
2019-08-12 07:28:19
2019-08-12 07:44:12
Link ?
2019-08-13 15:08:49
2019-08-13 15:12:03

2019-08-19 23:09:03
The most upvoted answer is some shit like this...


Sam Qwato
Updated Aug 12, 2019 · Author has 4.5k answers and 5m answer views
(1) About this viewpoint

This is a view from a neutral Singaporean with no vested interest in HK, China, the West.
This is a view from an East Asian Confucian cultural heritage majority city state, a sister city state to HK.
This is a view from a person educated entirely in the Western heritage tradition, from Greek classics on.
I am a social liberal.

(2) Short answer:

Totally irrational.
Stealthy Western manipulation, feeding incredibly naive HK youths into mindless frenzy.
Read this: Sam Qwato's answer to How do Chinese tourists and onlookers view street protesters marching in Hong Kong?
(3) I ask young HKers to wake up from their delusion, from their giddy stupor.

To be sure, there are teething economic and social issues. Housing. Economic structural reforms. Sustaining global competitiveness. They need to be resolved by HKers, in collaboration with China. As in any realm of problem-solving, only people with skin in the game are the material actors, the rest, colorful noise.

Know that there are two classes of foreign agitators.

The first are the warm-&-fuzzy tree-hugging liberal idealistic activist types. They mean well, but these people have never solved any substantial problems in their lives, such as pesky hassles like forklifting 600m people out of famine and poverty in 40 years. One word: Naive. They live in comfortable Middle Class homes, and if they appear not well off, that is because they choose to be poor. This group may be annoying, but harmless.
The second group is built around a geopolitical agenda. Destabilizing an ascendant power that threatens their cherished cosy status quo. They had problems with China when it was dirt poor. They have problems with China now that it is rich. Wtf? Their glue of unity is not a secret formal hierarchical controlling organization. Their unity of purpose is abstract, bound by their broad self-interested geopolitical agenda. A sort of global “Deep state”, without the conspiratorial masonic mystique. Realpolitik. Hardball. Self-evidently, this group is stealthily, deviously dangerous. Well-funded. This group will infiltrate the more politically acceptable, more palatable abovementioned group. Stir the Machiavellian into the naive, and guess how the stew will simmer. This group is multifaceted: Media, political organs, intelligence agencies, international agencies, corporate behemoths, academia, think tanks, whatever. This group is in full veiled flourish in HK as I write this. Go parse the The Economist, WSJ, NYT, CNN, BBC, etc hubristic biases galore: the only worldview is Anglo / Western European.
2019-08-19 23:09:22
2019-08-19 23:09:33
2019-08-19 23:09:44
2019-08-19 23:09:54
2019-08-19 23:10:09
2019-08-19 23:10:20
2019-08-19 23:27:55
2019-08-23 09:03:52

Paul Denlinger
Paul Denlinger, lives in Hong Kong
Updated Aug 20, 2019 · Author has 7.6k answers and 31.9m answer views
It’s not about freedom, it’s about opportunity.

Shenzhen is a vibrant and growing city, and is one of China’s most competitive. For people willing to learn and work hard, it offers many opportunities for growth. It has world-class companies such as Huawei, Tencent and DJI which make it their headquarters, and other world-class companies such as Apple use it as their center for manufacturing.

People who are willing to work hard can move up in Shenzhen.

In contrast, Hong Kong is 88% dependent on finance, and work opportunities for those outside of finance are very limited. The only thing which has been going up in their lives has been their monthly rent. HKers are fighting for smaller slices of a shrinking pie. The smarter HKers are already working elsewhere in China, and have been for years.

The Hong Kong media, which is owned largely by the tycoons, have deflected HK public anger from them by placing the blame on China and lack of democracy. Many HKers have bought into this lie. The protesting HKers say that they are fighting for freedom and democracy, but in fact they are protesting the lack of opportunities in HK, even if they don’t know it themselves.

In simple terms, the majority of people in Shenzhen believe that their lives are getting better. In HK, the majority of people in HK believe that their lives are getting worse.

It has nothing to do with freedom. In fact, freedom won’t even help to solve the problem. It is just desperate drowning people grabbing at straws.

When you are drowning, you don’t think. In fact, you can’t think.

It’s called panic mode.

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