【極重要! 推上去!】 8.11至8.12凌晨 - 15件警暴荒謬事件

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2019-08-12 07:27:51
2019-08-12 07:28:32
2019-08-12 07:53:45
2019-08-12 07:58:16
2019-08-12 08:10:37
2019-08-12 10:29:07
2019-08-12 14:41:02

2019-08-13 02:52:56
十項推文 試著說

⒈蓄意謀殺女救護員 影片直證布袋鉛彈瞄準爆眼球 永久失明 面骨碎裂、
⒉插贜竹枝 造偽證 誣陷被捕者、
⒊地鐡站內 水平發射催淚彈CS神經毒氣、
⒋警喬裝示威者 發動衝擊縱火、
⒌普通話軍人 多處滲透武統、
一米內行刑 掃射胡椒彈槍、欠釀電梯人踩人
縱容黑幫橫行 毆打記者路人、
⒏濫暴痛毆 重創被捕者 打掉門牙 血肉模糊、
⒐屋村老人民居 發射催淚彈CS神經毒氣 直噴胡椒屋苑保安
10. 殘害救護人員、救護員舉旗警告 尖沙咀阻礙救援 違反國際人道法 屬嚴重刑事罪行

August 11, 2019 *** Police Brutality ***

Macilously and unlawfully cause Greivous Bodily Harm - Gun Aims for the head:
Shooting lean-filled pellet round directly to a First-aider’s eye, causing grievous bodily harm including:
- Right eyeball RUPTURED.
- Permanent BLINDNESS.
- Eyelids and tear ducts LACERATIONS.

Planting fake evidence on arrested protesters (putting sharp bamboo into protestors’ backpack)
Unlawfully & Horizontally lauching TEARGAS canisters INDOOR (in MTR subway stations at civilians)
⒋ Officers disguised as demonstrators to take the lead, and incite them to violence.
⒌ Mandarin-speaking officers spotted: suspected to be Mainland China officers undercovering as HKPF.
SWEEP-SHOTTING protesters with projectiles (Pepperball Pistol) at less than 1m range.
Shoved protesters down escalators (almost causing STAMPEDE).
Allowing gangsters(who support HK police) chasing up
and beating pedestrians, reporters, and protesters on streets.
⒏ Bloody arrest: Brutally beaten up arrested protester (protester wrestled to the ground moaning in pain with front tooth knocked out).
Launching TEARGAS canisters in suburban area populated by old residential buildings(outside the elderly homes, community centers, and nearby residences). Pepper-sprayed residences’ on-duty security guards.
10. (Serious Criminal Offence) Obstruction of medical care - in violation of the International Humanitarian Law. First-aider raising the Flag for Warning at TST.
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