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2019-08-04 13:37:50
2019-08-04 14:21:43
養過兩次 一隻年幾,一隻兩年幾 ,就走左 喊死我
2019-08-04 14:39:10
2019-08-04 14:48:09
2019-08-04 17:49:59
2019-08-04 17:51:27
2019-08-04 17:55:55
2019-08-04 17:57:53

2019-08-04 18:00:06
2019-08-05 20:35:56
2019-08-06 20:47:35
我有隻養左成9年先走 兔仔真心可愛
2019-08-07 19:12:13
2019-08-21 00:37:22
我隻兔女10歲 無絕育 仲好生猛同好脾氣
2019-08-22 18:26:03
Rabbits are prey animals which means they’re everybody else’s lunch in nature. A dog barking, a child shouting, a fire engine siren wailing, an airplane roaring overhead and a lightning storm can scare rabbits. Indoor rabbits have a much longer lifespan than indoor rabbits because they’re protected from poor weather conditions and enemies. They feel safe, protected, sheltered, monitored and that they’re part of the family ! The average lifespan of an indoor house rabbit is eight to fourteen years whereas the average lifespan of a rabbit kept in an outdoor hutch or cage is three to six years. The happiest rabbit expression is called binky. When a rabbit binkies, it jumps into the air and twists its head and body in the opposite direction before falling back to the ground. A happy rabbit even twirls, flops, stretches its legs and shakes its head. All these are telling you that it is happy and overall pleased with you and its life. Rabbits produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets and cecal pellets (aka cecotropes). The former are the round dry ones you usually see in the litterbox while the latter are edible for them which contain essential nutrients. Rabbits are one of the most abandoned pets in the world because people don’t understand rabbits and think that they’re boring and that they don’t bond with humans. Rabbits are highly intelligent, social and affectionate animals. While they don’t like to be picked up from the ground, they’d much rather be cuddled and petted while they’re on the ground or in your lap. So when people say they want to have a pet rabbit I usually advise them to visit the rabbit society and choose a rabbit for adoption.
2019-08-23 11:03:01
根據美國兔子協會(House Rabbit Society):

1. 兔子是被捕獵動物(Prey animal), 是大自然內每個捕獵者(Predator)的目標, 狗吠聲、消防車叫聲、小孩尖叫、雷暴等也會嚇驚兔子, 所以不建議帶出外散步。兔子是全世界其中一個最多被棄養的動物(在美國排第3最多被棄養), 很多人將牠放生, 這樣會令兔子十分恐慌, 而且沒有覓食能力(寵物兔和野兔是不同), 有些人送給兔協, 但容納不到那麼龐大的數目。

2. 絕育後會大大減少因荷爾蒙控制而霸地盤,不會隨地去廁所 (兔子是不需要訓練去廁所,只要廁所內有紙棉和乾草和夠大便可以, 建議用貓廁所)

3. 荷爾蒙減少令攻擊性減少,更加溫馴和親人,也會活得更開心。如果想將2隻兔合養(做夫妻/好朋友)要先絕育才容易建立關係, 否則有機會打架!

4. 兔子是很容易患上生殖器病動物,所以絕育會令到更健康和長壽!

5. 減少過量繁殖(和棄養後所面對的困境),繁殖得快和多。

Tips: 很多人棄養是因為不明白兔子, 請記住😊-

兔子側面看某東西代表正面看某東西, 正前方和下方是盲點(所以有時小食在下巴下面看不到), 除了這兩個盲點外, 幾乎可以看到360度, 你在牠後面也會看到你。兔子只有向著前方大約30度範圍, 才可以有立體影像。另外也有遠視, 牠們的脊椎就像軟骨那麼脆弱。

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞