消失的七分鐘:已聯絡WSJ, Washington Post & NY Times聯絡中

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2019-07-29 22:41:26

2019-07-29 23:10:25
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2019-07-29 23:20:32
not mop
2019-07-29 23:21:16
2019-07-29 23:26:50
2019-07-29 23:26:58
大家都可以多啲share, twitter 之類
2019-07-29 23:56:36
第一次打文 屌細力啲

Facebook is suspected of secretly deleting Hong Kong protest content

On July 21, a group of local mobs attacked the Hong Kong Pro-democracy protesters in Yuen Long, a suburban area with deep root of local village residents and mobs. The police did not arrive at the scene until 39 minutes after the attack took place, leaving many innocent citizen severely injured. At the end of the night, the police did not arrest any person at all.

It is widely suspected the police is cooperating with the local village mobs to attack the protesters. Please refer to the following NY Times article for details:


NOW TV is one of the largest TV broadcasters in Hong Kong. It has been live streaming all the HK protests in the past months on Facebook.

Today, it is found out that the live video of the above-mentioned Yuen Long event on Facebook was missing a crucial 7 minutes.


Please click on the video and pay attention to the time stamp on the top right corner. If you go to 03:55:10 and start playing, you will find that the video suddenly jump to 04:02:39.

The missing 7 minute is a critical video footage showing a group of police commanders discussing with the local village mops inside their villages after the attack.

NOW TV immediately came out and clarified that they did not delete part of a live video on Facebook. Because they are not “posting” a video.


It is not clear if Facebook proactively delete the 7 minute footage secretly, but it appears that they are the only party who is able to do so. If the story is proven true, Facebook is not only violating its own policies but also the principles of truth that we, Hong Kong people, and the whole world treasure.

I hope this can be brought to Facebook Headquarter and US society’s attention and be investigated thoroughly. Thank you.
2019-07-29 23:58:28
Sorry巴打 改咗
2019-07-29 23:58:40
2019-07-30 00:24:20
#Standwithhk #freehongkong
2019-07-30 00:31:08
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞