Yuen Long Running

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2019-07-27 16:36:27
4:35 wtf?
2019-07-27 16:39:47
light rail stopped service

people coming in from Ping Shan direction

North side scouted, will revisit later, now go south
2019-07-27 16:42:51
bus outside YL park, empty though, not sure if it would be used to ship triads in
2019-07-27 16:44:39
between football field and YL park, 4:44
2019-07-27 16:45:58

mobilizing, beware!!!
2019-07-27 16:51:29
mobilizing to end of dai ma lo

2019-07-27 16:55:09
2019-07-27 16:58:08
south side quiet 4:57
2019-07-27 17:08:25
5:07, reinforced perimeter around the dog house
2019-07-27 17:10:51
5:10 assault
2019-07-27 17:13:38
doggies forming line at yl plaza 5:12
2019-07-27 17:26:09
I have to stop post now, police attacking
2019-07-27 17:45:59
Make sure you don’t get beaten up by Triads gangsters!
2019-07-27 18:14:04
hey yall im back, at industrial complex entrance 6:13

2019-07-27 18:54:03

got gassed, recon gear
not enough
2019-07-27 19:14:11

Losing ground on all fronts, need to flank them!
2019-07-27 19:17:49
Be water.
2019-07-27 19:19:16
streets be quiet on non major roads, why is nobody flanking???
2019-07-27 19:28:17
chicken ground quiet 7:27
2019-07-27 19:41:25
retreated for now, i will head out again once I have restocked supplies
2019-07-28 01:16:51
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