1. 台灣人最親美, 如果玩一國兩制, 台灣護照就需要簽證先可以去美國旅行
To qualify for the Visa Waiver Program, a country must have had a nonimmigrant visa refusal rate of less than 3% for the previous year or an average of no more than 2% over the past two fiscal years with neither year going above 2.5%.[22] In addition, the country must provide visa-free access to United States citizens and has to be either an independent country or a dependency of a VWP country
(which has precluded Hong Kong and Macau from participating in the program.)
(按: 台灣護照唔洗visa即係美國暗認左台獨)
2. 叫柯P唔好出黎選總統, 會介左蔡英文票選左條魚入去
3. 希望台灣同香港一齊獨立