其實佢既意思可以解讀為講支那如果要收我地皮一早收左,仲比你搞七個禮拜?證明支那大把隱憂係背後,唔敢搞鳩香港住,淨係識搵外交部得閑出黎鳩up幾句,佢話do the right thing即係呢個爛攤子明顯得一個解決方法:真普選
マリーゴールド2019-07-23 10:53:55
其實可以理解成 佢想既話 推真普選就得
乃木坂飯2019-07-23 10:54:32
I think President Xi of China has acted responsibly, very responsibly -- they’ve been out there protesting for a long time,” Trump told reporters Monday at the White House. “I hope that President Xi will do the right thing,” he said, adding that China could stop the protests “if they wanted.”