(現場宣讀之版本) 721 [中聯辦]宣言

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2019-07-21 20:25:27
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2019-07-21 20:35:44
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2019-07-21 20:36:04
2019-07-21 20:36:39
大家表達完訴求好散, 遊行人數已近尾聲。


不受傷 不被捕。

2019-07-21 20:36:45
2019-07-21 20:36:56
2019-07-21 20:37:15
2019-07-21 20:37:15
光復香港 時代革命
2019-07-21 20:38:15
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2019-07-21 20:45:01
2019-07-21 20:45:44
(Live version)
The 721 Des Voeux Road Manifesto

To Hong Kongers and friends in all corners of the world who care about Hong Kong:

We are Hong Kong citizens who love our city dearly. Ever since early June of this year millions of Hong Kongers have used various peaceful and non-violent means, including but not limited to marches and demonstrations, to convey to the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the world our firm and reasoned commitment to safeguard our freedom.

Some protesters have even risked everything, including their personal safety, to occupy the Legislative Council Building. Within roughly one month, a few brothers and sisters have sacrificed their own lives, hoping to give a much-needed wake-up call to the conscience of those in power and arouse the compassion of their fellow citizens. Sadly, all these sacrifices have only met with the government’s cruel disregard and the Chief Executive’s repeated refusal to retract the widely opposed Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill.

What is even more unforgivable is the government’s tactic of sustaining their disregard, which is to let the police [to] abuse protesters in every march and demonstration with unjustifiable excessive force, resulting in injuries of many.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive, high-ranking government officers and pro-establishment lawmakers have all refused to address the people’s demands, imagining that political problems can be solved by assaulting citizens and viewing the people as their enemies.

Today, we reiterate our five demands to the Hong Kong SAR government. We demand [them] to:

1. Withdraw without any ambiguity the Fugitive Offenders (Amendment) Bill, in order to officially terminate the legislative procedure of the Bill;

2. Withdraw the characterisation of the June 12th conflicts as a riot;

3. Dismiss all charges already made against all citizens who protested [against] the Fugitive Offenders (Amendment) Bill, and guarantee that no further charges will be made against protesters because of these incidents;

4. Set up an independent commission of enquiry to conduct an impartial investigation into the police’s abuses of power; and

5. Dissolve the Legislative Council with an executive order, and immediately implement genuine universal suffrage with direct elections for both the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council.

We love Hong Kong dearly, and we do not wish to see another drop of blood shed [while] protecting our homeland, let alone another precious life lost. Yet, and let us stress this, there are no violent protesters or rioters, there is only tyranny. We will protect our homeland by any means. We urge the government to stop leading Hong Kong towards the brink of destruction and work together with the people to bring our city back to a path of a united, democratic, free and just society.
2019-07-21 20:45:58
Please push this for me!
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