IT界: Server, network, cloud, security ...請進 (3)

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2019-07-19 22:07:45
2019-07-19 22:21:41
p仔要睇下將來會唔會outsource 印度寫
香港人工唔平, p仔既功力都有高有低
2019-07-19 22:34:32
做2年programmer /ba 已經輕鬆3XK
試問做infra要幾耐, 上到咩位先搵到呢個價
唔提中間要考無數cert, on call, 通頂, 爆鑊

再之前個位巴打睇下各大cloud 公司既財報先, 今日MIC記又超預期,
2019-07-19 23:03:36
我認同而家搞application 既人易揾錢過infra

不過都一樣有撈唔掂既programmer & ba

2019-07-19 23:36:30
幫人打工 唔會發達
2019-07-20 09:33:21
我pass左 ,但pass左點樣apply us d工?
2019-07-20 09:52:37
cloud 係趨勢唔係must, 佢只係其中一個solution. 如果你話中小企大多數上cloud 我認同,但好多大公司唔會上cloud 係因為有好多confidential data, 所以佢地唔係唔想上,而係唔會上。
搞清楚cloud係其中一個solution, 而唔係一定要用。
唔通SD-WAN 係一個大趨勢,咁MPLS Metro-e 就會被淘汰?
2019-07-20 09:55:07
銀行都一步步步咁將d system上cloud, 其實大公司上cloud都係時間問題
2019-07-20 10:37:20
Oh, congratulation! Do you have any experience in IT security? I assume you have if you can get CISSP. Before going into it, I have to say that I did not migrate here via working visa, so my case might not be 100% applicable to yours, but the fact is that companies here do need IT security people. Surely they would give priority with someone who has visa already but they would not hesitate to hire you if your background can fit them. I think the first step is to polish your resume and LinkedIn page. Resume in US is in many ways different from the one in HK, I took 6 months to rewrite my resume and got response from agents and employers. For example, their resume must keep in 1 page, and you have to show your achievement and contributions in your past job. The agents like Indeed and Monster would scan resume using AI, so people without the "required" keyword would not even be selected. LinkedIn is the most effective way to get a job in the State, HR are connected via social networks. I can show you more if you are interested.
2019-07-20 10:51:07
Take this as a starting point to enhance your resume
2019-07-20 11:46:56
2019-07-20 12:33:32
唔係confidential唔上得cloud 係唔可以出海je
講真你識嘅話上面其實仲安全過你擺on pem
ssl aes256 key encryption hsm一大堆security可以搞
淨係high availability 同durubility都已經好過你擺係舊鐵到
2019-07-20 12:53:57
inhouse security officer?
2019-07-20 13:28:42
做advisory果類(not big4)
2019-07-22 21:45:29
2019-07-29 17:25:54
2019-07-29 20:18:06
2019-07-30 00:21:22
2019-07-30 00:35:43
宜家BA 出邊 起薪大概幾多?
2019-08-01 08:37:28
2019-08-13 00:01:23
2019-08-13 12:47:44
2019-08-15 22:29:38
有冇巴打知big 4 it consulting 同it risk advisory有咩分別?
同埋邊樣條career path會好d?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞