[務必廣傳] 紐約時報: 香港警察濫權!!!

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2019-07-16 02:37:40
多謝克警 幫我地慳番眾籌
2019-07-16 02:39:18
2019-07-16 02:41:35
2019-07-16 02:42:14
Keep pushing
2019-07-16 02:43:42
依個世界除左外國已經無人阻止到啲癲狗 有咩事大家小心 唔好同啲裝備撚硬碰
2019-07-16 02:44:10
2019-07-16 02:47:21
幫手推呢個比NY Times睇

1. Why we don't accept official investigation?
First, to investigate a police, you have to complain with his Cop ID. But they didn't show their ID when using violence.
Second, the investigation official(IPCC) seem to have bias. A journalist was attacked by a group of police on 9th Feb, 2016, the Mong Kok civil unrest. The incident was filmed, he then tried to ask for official investigation. In the official reply on 2nd July, 2018 (the investigation took 2 yrs lol), the complain of "police beating him" and "improper behavior", as the Cop cannot be specified, are considered as "unable to trace". Another complain of "a group of police beating him", is considered as "there are some evidence, but not enough to proof the complain".
Third, IPCC can only "give suggestion to" HK Police Force, the council cannot give any penalty to the violent cops.
SO, we only trust an independent investigation committee(獨立調查委員會).

2. Why we don't accept "suspend" of the bill?
By Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council, suspend the bill only means suspend the bill from Second Reading, which can be resumed anytime in any LegCo meeting.
"Withdraw" of the bill ensures if the Gov wants to resume the bill, the procedure will have to start from the very first step.
SO, we continued to ask for FULL WITHDRAW of the bill.
2019-07-16 02:55:12
唔好以為打撚完市民會無事呀 死克警
2019-07-16 02:57:15
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2019-07-16 04:27:14
2019-07-16 04:27:48
2019-07-16 04:31:19
2019-07-16 04:35:00
2019-07-16 04:37:27
2019-07-16 05:05:54
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