2019-06-25 12:34:37
Title: Vow by the Forgotten HongKongers in this Liberal world
To all Consulates in Hong Kong
The brutal suppression to basic human rights and political appurtenances of HongKongers are witnessed by the world in June 2019 in our campaign for withdrawal of the Ultravires and Unjustifiable amendment bill of Extradition to PRC.
Although we have the more accurate, independent and unbiased coverage by the world leading mass media, most of the local mass media, be it in Chinese or English language, are owned or manipulated by PRC affiliations. Genuine independent and unbiased local media are struggled to survive, in the spate of ever growing PRC monetary influences. Although independent and individual groups of conscientious media online platforms have been formed to resist and try to preserve our basic human rights and political appurtenances, our messages are still hardly be heard in any international avenue, in particulars, the coming G20 meeting in Japan.
On 9 June, a million of the 7.3 million HongKongers took to the street to vow for withdrawal of the Extradition to PRC bill, but only met by scornful and blatant assertion, on the same night, from the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, that the amendment bill would be (expeditiously) passed, with the pro Beijing majority legislators, in 3 days later on 12 June.
On 12 June, to Preserve and Protect our basic human rights, ten of thousand of Hongkongers had NO Choice but to try to stop passing of the amendment bill by Occupying of the Legislative Council, in peaceful manner and if necessary, in physical confrontational manner. It was, as the whole world have witnessed, met by excessive police violence aiming at forcefully, to clear passage for the Pro Beijing legislators to pass the bill once and for all, and/or to avenge pocketful of physical protesters.
Despite of the disproportional use of force and excessive violence exercised, unrestrainedly, by the police to peaceful/physical protesters and some journalists or even onlookers, the police failed to clear passage for the pro Beijing legislators for brutal passing of the amendment bill on that very day, 6.12. On that very evening, the Chief Executive and her administration condemned all the protesters for violence and classified the confrontation as Riot - Section 19 of the Public Order Ordinance, Cap 245.
On 15 June, the CE took a soft approach in unapologistic words to Pause (暫緩) the legislature at its Second Reading. She retracted the ‘Riot’ label of the 6.12 confrontation at Legco, and she skirted the responsibilities of labelling of ‘Riot’ to the Commissioner of Police, who subsequently “clarified” that only 5 “rioters” arrested as a result of using 150 rounds of tear gas and plastic bullets in a lawful and/or unlawful assembly.
On 16 June, the traditional trick of soft approach by the SAR government cannot work twice, 2 million of Hongkongers took to the street in 2 consecutive Sundays, to voice their anger, frustration and vow to a completed withdrawal of the bill and an independent commission of inquiry by the high court judge for all the facts which should give rise to preventive measure for re-occurrence and re-conciliation between government and her own powerless people.
At the blink of G20 meeting, We, Hongkongers are appealing to the world liberal leaders to help and speak up for us in the protection of the universal value of human rights and political appurtenances, which is enshrined in the international convention: Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong