經過今日相信好多巴絲都覺得好氣餒, 好無力, 甚至好絕望.
正常嘅, 勇武嘅可以休息一下, 文宣嘅要重新調整策略.
但有件事其實可以大家一齊做, 就係physically遞請願信去G20各國駐港領事館去make noise!
人哋唔會無啦啦見你香港七國咁亂就幫手出聲, 起碼我哋自己要先尋求渠道發聲!
而且到開會時先請願實在太遲, 你喺公司突然話要開大會加議題都俾人屌啦(even你係老闆, 最多咪唔明屌).
美國 - 中環花園道26號 acshk@state.gov
英國 - 金鐘法院道1號 hongkong.consular@fco.gov.uk
法國 - 金鐘夏愨道18號海富中心第二座25 - 26樓 informations@consulfrance-hongkong.org
德國 - 金鐘道95號統一中心21 info@hongkong.diplo.de
意大利 - 灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場3201室 segreteria.hongkong@esteri.it
加拿大 - 中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場三期5樓 hkong@international.gc.ca
日本 - 中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場第一座46至47樓 infojp@hn.mofa.go.jp
歐盟 - 花園道33號聖約翰大廈19樓 delegation-hong-kong@eeas.europa.eu
澳洲 - 灣仔港灣道25號海港中心23至24樓 enquiries.hongkong@dfat.gov.au
墨西哥 - 灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心2507-2509室 infohko@sre.gob.mx
韓國 - 夏慤道16號遠東金融中心5樓 hkg-info@mofa.go.kr
土耳其 - 銅鑼灣告士打道255-257號信和廣場3樓301室 consulate.hongkong@mfa.gov.tr
印尼 - 銅鑼灣敬誠街6至8號 info@cgrihk.com
沙特阿拉伯 - 灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場6401-3 consulgeneral@saudiconsulate.org.hk
阿根廷 - 中環康樂廣場1號怡和大廈1517室 consarhk@netvigator.com/chong@mrecic.gov.ar
印度 - 金鐘金鐘道95號統一中心16樓A, B及D室
巴西 - 灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心2014-21室 g.hongkong@itamaraty.gov.br
俄羅斯 - 灣仔港灣道30號新鴻基中心21樓2106-2123室 cghongkong@mid.ru
南非 - 灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場19樓1906-8室 info@sacg.hk
以下拋磚, 求文宣英文勁人執靚佢
Title: Voice of despair Hong Kong citizens
Dear Consul,
Hong Kong, once a freest economy in the world is now facing a brutal suppress on the freedom of speech, political right and even right to life.
Most of the media (both paper and online) in Hong Kong is owned or controlled by China background individuals or companies, the media are no longer a reliable source to understand the current situation of Hong Kong people and government. On 9th of June, million people protest to against the Hong Kong-China extradition bill due to the ignorance of Hong Kong government, and on 12th of June the police reply to protesting citizen with tear gas and rubber bullets on behalf of the Hong Kong government. As a result, 2 million people has to stand up and voice out on 16th of June which the government only pause the process of the bill but NOT withdraw.
There are couple protesters arrested in the hospital while they needed medical attention and even one was arrested by the police while he is being pull out from the ambulance. It is clear those actions are violation of Geneva Conventions and Medical Privacy. And The Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) in Hong Kong can only observe, monitor and review the handling and investigation of reportable complaints against the Police and NO actual prosecution could be done. That makes Hong Kong police has no consequence on violating or even breaking the law when they are on duty.
All these non-senses happened because Hong Kong people have no right to choose the Chief Executive and most of the government officials are hand picked by Chinese government. Even we can vote District Council and Legislative Council members, they can be disqualified easily by the government which makes both councils cannot truly represent Hong Kong people.
We are here to urge your leader to speak up for Hong Kong on G20 to protect the right and safety of Hong Kong people and your citizens who live here.
Thank you for your time and attention!
A Group of despair Hong Kong people