( a )你是下列類別的人士或團體:
( 1 )有權在香港地產建設商會的大會上表決的該會會員;
( 2 )有權在香港建造商會有限公司的大會上表決的該會會員;
( 3 )有權在香港機電工程商協會有限公司的大會上表決的該會會員,及
( b ) 如果你是以上第1 ( a )項所指明的團體的個人會員,你必須在緊接你提出登記申請前的12個月內一直是該團體的個人會員。
( c ) 如果你是以上第1 ( a )項所指明的團體的團體會員,你必須在緊接你提出登記申請前的12個月內一直是該團體的團體會員,並一直維持運作。
(a)(1) 同(a)(2), 即係要地產發展商 (如長實, 新地) 同各大建築商 (如禮頓, 金門)
(a)(3) 香港機電工程商協會, 無網頁 (有好多好多名字似, 但check過唔係嘅會), 入會方法如下:
Article: 6 (a) a corporation /firm shall be eligible for admission as and to be a member, if and so long as it possess the following qualifications, that is to say: (a) that it is an Electrical and Mechanical Contractor; (b) that it is duly proposed and seconded on the appropriate form by a Member to which it is known)
"Electrical and Mechanical Contractor" means a corporation or a firm which is primarily engaged in the business of providing electrical and mechanical services and supplies.
呢個會現時有24個member, 年費HK$10,000, 如果你有做開呢方面, 你可以去 東惠商業大廈18樓 1801 問點入會, 記住呢個OFFICE 有幾個會, 要問清楚