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[00:05] Siege of Citic
Hong Kong Police Force uses tear gas to surround peaceful protester causing chaos and havoc
Date: 2019/06/12
Approximate Time:1550-1615
[00:10]Location: Citic Tower (Listed within the area of the Letter of No Objection)
[00:13]Police deployed tear gas at both end of the road simultaneously
[0:44]Smoke is covering the whole area. (reporter)
[00:47]Protesters were forced into the Citic Tower. (reporter)
[0:50]After the deployment of tear gas, protesters starts retreating to a safer area. (reporter)
[1:03]Door was locked. Protester were trying to force their way through. (caption) (建議加)
[1:27]Film them all! (journalist)
[1:31]There are so many people yet you are still attacking them.(journalist)
[1:33]In the middle, they throw it(tear gas canister) into the middle of the crowd. Are they insane? Quick, run! The police are crazy!
[1:45]On your left, on your left, quickly go up.
[1:50]Protesters were fleeing for their life(caption)(建議加)