I was a boy who, like so many others, dreamed of playing football. I worked hard, sacrificed a lot and got closer to making that dream come true.
I grew and began to dream of playing for Real Madrid. I learned, I left almost everything to one side... and it came true.
But nobody should ever stop working, however much they grow. Nor stop dreaming, however much some dreams may come true.
Today, I leave Real Madrid, which has been my home for 10 years. I leave without reproach for myself and with no complaints.
“Hard work, clean conscience.” That's something someone said to me once and it defines my life. I have applied it every day. And I have never failed to give everything or defend the values instilled in me from the very beginning.
I leave with great memories, great friends, unforgettable titles on magical nights and the respect and love of everyone.
Thank you for being supportive, loyal and demanding. Every day I played for this shirt and heard your roar will stay with me forever.