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如你手上有關於2019年6月12日的示威 香港警察對市民 外藉人士 記者 議員 使用過份或不必要的實體及語言暴力的圖片 影片 聲音檔案 請用以下方法發送到各大媒體! 請廣傳!
If you have any visual evidence or audio recordings of Hong Kong police exerting excessive or unnecessary physical or verbal violence on protesting Hong Kong citizens, foreigners, journalists, and legislative officials at the protest on 12th June. 2019, please send them to the media attached below! Please spread this message!
New York Times: +1 646-951-4771
Reuters: +1 (347) 880-5627
The Washington Post: +1 202-580-5265
NBC News: +1-646-858-9310
BBC News: +44 7555 173285
The Guardian: +44 7867 825056
The Sun: +44 07423 720 250
Email Address:
BBC News: yourpics@bbc.co.uk
NBC News: tips@nbcuni.com
CNN News: community@cnn.com / cnn.feedback@cnn.com
CBS News: desk@cbs2ny.com
ABC News: news.tips@abc.com
Los Angeles Times: tips@latimes.com
Reuters: tips@reuters.com
The Washington Post: lockbox@washpost.com
The Sun: exclusive@the-sun.co.uk
Daily Mail: tips@dailymail.com
逃犯條例:彭定康解釋為什麼不能把香港當為普通中國城市對待 - BBC News 中文