Petition Title (max 80 characters)
Permanently Revoke Rights of HKSAR Gov officials to Reclaim British Citizenships (80 characters)
Background (max 300 characters)
The main HKSAR Gov officials are defying HM Gov's policies and posing a threat to the safety of British citizens in HK by forcefully putting forward a highly controversial HK Extradition Law Amendment. HM Gov should take sanctions against those HKSAR Gov officials who are in favor of this Bill. (292 characters)
Additional details (max 500 characters)
The HK Extradition Law Amendment has been putting forward by the HKSAR Gov. If passed, it would pave a legitimate way for the Beijing Gov to extradite any persons in HK, including our citizens there, to China. This poses a threat to HK people and our citizens living there. We wish HM Gov could take sanctions against the main HKSAR officials and their family members, through not allowing them to reclaim their UK citizenships permanently, in order to put pressure on them to withdraw the Bill. (495 characters)