[結局已流出] Game of thrones 權力遊戲 season 8 劇透討論區

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2019-05-06 21:39:35
2019-05-06 21:44:51
2019-05-06 23:27:03
好嬲,Jamie可謂係書劇入面蛻變得最多嘅角色之一,Dumb & Dumber一句就將Jamie八季嘅character development打回原形,明明第四本書度Jamie已經決絕到燒咗Cersei求佢返去嘅信
2019-05-07 02:11:36
D&D 嘅思維真係好奇怪 想要shock value又要硬撐合理

做唔到Red wedding ,ned 個啲情節
2019-05-07 05:19:55
Let's see in S5
2019-05-07 14:04:10
2019-05-08 00:20:06
2019-05-08 00:28:27
不如一槍打死我,D結局好撚ON9,求其網上抄個 fan fiction 都好過呢個結局
2019-05-08 00:39:35
Eng ver:(整合ver)

Dany's army will capture Jaime. Dany has Vary's executed and Dany assaults Kings landing in a one sided fight. Tyrion ask her to show mercy, Dany refuses. (likely when Tyrion tries to resign as Hand) Tyrion frees Jaime and try to get Cersei out of the city. Drogon burns Kings landing and Euron's fleet (Cleganebowl, they both die.) Jaime fights Euron and kills him but is mortally wounded in exchange. Jame makes it to Cersei and they die together.

Dany starts executing everyone in Kings landing (Tyrion and Jon are upset) Dany has Tyrion arrested for freeing his brother. (his trial is supposed to have neither Dany or Jon present) Tyrion tries to convince Jon to turn on Dany. His family will never be safe because it threatens Dany's legitimacy. Jon tries to talk to Dany but she ignores him thinking she is justified.

Tyrion and Sansa begin to scheme against Dany and to turn Jon against her. Sansa will betray Tyrion at the end despite promising to rule together. (maybe at his upcoming trial) In the end Jon is somehow forced, or decides, to kill Dany. Jon's outcome is uncertain after: new Nights Watch/Exile or dies. Kit apparently shot two different endings for the show.

Tyrion's trial in the dragonpit is a major scene and has no Jon, Dany, or dragons. Sir Davos is present not wearing the Hand of the King pin along with all 3 stark children. Samwell Tarly, Brienne, Robyn Aryn, Grey Worm, an unknown man wearing golden clothes (likely Dornish), and another unidentified man (n older short bearded one dressed in green) will be there as well. Bran will flash back to season 1 where Tyrion Lannister told Catelyn Stark, "I never bet against my family". Tyrion is filled with anger and resentment against them because he saved them against Stannis and they still turned on him. Thinks people of King's Landing deserved it. He saved them and were ungrateful (trial of Joffrey's murder) Will fall to his knees in the middle of the speech dragged down by the weight of his actions. His death was filmed in studio so not sure how he dies.
2019-05-08 05:27:17
2019-05-09 17:51:09
Kit Harington says the Game of Thrones finale is "disappointing"

2019-05-09 18:01:40
真係垃圾到爆 上兩季都好多on9位但有d集數救全季 今季垃圾到無倫 睇完列入黑歷史。三五七年後等肥佬寫完書再reboot,算把啦
2019-05-09 19:03:04
sUbVeRt yOuR ExPecTaTioN
2019-05-09 19:25:52

屌你老母班垃圾編劇搞到神劇爛尾,自己寫唔掂就畀GRRM 望下先啦,真係好撚火!
2019-05-10 20:35:57
2019-05-10 21:12:51
2019-05-10 21:19:41
2019-05-10 21:30:49
I got some private images of Cleganebowl on another platform that I won't post because they have watermarks all over them and was asked not to. (Used as proof to validate leaks below) Basically they show them fighting in a building, The Hounds eyes are supposed to be gouged out, and there is a dagger between the eyes of The Mountain. They crash through out a building and into the fire pits below (entire city is on fire). (They are supposed to crash through a wall at some point and The Mountain no longer has a helmet and exposed chest).
2019-05-10 21:46:20
2019-05-13 10:39:12
its coming
2019-05-13 10:42:10
2019-05-13 10:44:54
2019-05-13 10:45:27
2019-05-13 10:46:15
2019-05-13 10:52:00
唔好意思 入錯po
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