
1001 回覆
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2019-04-11 14:28:23
2019-04-11 14:31:29
我j j lo就可以,堆男嘅你地慢慢爭啦
2019-04-11 14:32:02
Shawn = Cancer
2019-04-11 14:38:58
R&B is my life

2019-04-11 14:40:18
但你最鍾意果個rita ora一d都唔alternative喎
2019-04-11 14:41:12
2019-04-11 14:41:43
and ella mai
2019-04-11 14:48:09
R&B is my life
2019-04-11 14:49:43
Big, big booty, what you got a big booty
2019-04-11 14:53:29
They begging me to drop down on it but right now Iggy on the top
2019-04-11 15:01:15
In this climate, pop songs with big chorus = alternative

2019-04-11 15:03:08
Halsey is alternative
2019-04-11 15:16:55
2019-04-11 15:21:49
2019-04-11 15:22:45
bring me the horizon apologize to coldplay when
2019-04-11 15:36:00
2019-04-11 15:37:42
Yes in a bad way. Nobody wants to have it
2019-04-11 15:38:04

2019-04-11 15:40:59
2019-04-11 15:42:28
Coachella you have no idea AG96 is coming
2019-04-11 15:46:31
Shame on them
2019-04-11 15:46:56
The current four biggest digital artists worldwide:

•Billie Eilish
•Ariana Grande
2019-04-11 15:49:06
the 1975都有笑鳩dan 但我屌唔落
2019-04-11 15:49:17
Live Nation Israel announces that #Madonna will perform at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest: blbrd.cm/by8yKU
2019-04-11 15:49:28
I don’t know her
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