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2019-02-18 00:50:48
攪咗成個星期先爆係自編自導,好多左膠傳媒重 all-in
•Jussie Smollett may have orchestrated an assault on himself, Chicago police say
•Abimbola 'Abel' and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo, who are cooperating with investigators, reportedly told detectives that they did a practice run days before
•Smollett furiously denied hoax claims saying 'nothing is further from the truth'
•The actor issued a statement Saturday night through his lawyers, who now say one of the suspects was Smollett's personal trainer for a music video
•'It is impossible to believe that this person could have played a role in the crime against Jussie or would falsely claim Jussie’s complicity', they say
•Attorneys say Smollett 'has now been further victimized by claims'
•Both men, Nigerian brothers, are friends of Smollett and said to be anti-Trump
•The brothers were reportedly paid $3,500 and were promised additional $500
•Smollett said last month that he was the victim of a racist, homophobic attack
•Initial reports said two noose-wielding men yelled 'this is MAGA country'
•Police say new evidence emerged in interrogations that requires investigation
•However, Smollett is not officially considered a suspect, CPD said
•He recently hired high-powered defense lawyer Michael Monico

The two Nigerian brothers Jussie Smollett is accused of paying $3,500 to attack him allegedly told police that the trio rehearsed the assault beforehand, sources have revealed. The Empire actor (above on Thursday) has furiously denied claims that the attack was orchestrated

Abimbola 'Abel' (left) and Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo (right) were arrested on Wednesday night at Chicago O'Hare airport, as they returned from a trip to visit family in Nigeria. The Empire extras are cooperating with police investigating the alleged hoax attack on January 29

Smollett (above four days after the attack) had claimed that the assailants 'yelled out racial and homophobic slurs' as they tied a rope around his neck and poured an unknown substance that he suspected was bleach on him

Scene: 'I was bruised but my ribs were not cracked, they were not broken. I went to the doctor immediately ... but I was not hospitalized,' said Smollett (map with inset of the scene where the attack occurred just outside Smollett's apartment)

Chicago PD confirmed on Thursday that the pair seen in this image from surveillance footage around the time of the attack on January 29 (above) were Abel and Ola Osundairo

Mitchell Dutz, 18, was sentenced to three years in Illinois state prison for fabricating claims that three black men stole a car with a 13-month-old infant inside

Illinois police have issued an arrest warrant for Keesha S. Ingram, 41, who has been charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly calling police and fabricating claims that a man was threatening to shoot his wife

Michael Monico (above) revealed in a radio interview on Thursday that he is Smollett's lawyer
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Donald Trump Jr tweeted: ‘It appears that Jussie Smollett tried to manufacture a hate crime to make Trump supporters look bad and most of the media not only uncritically accepted his lies as facts for weeks, but attacked those who questioned the validity of his false story’

Journalist Michael Tracey blamed 'alarmist Trump-era narratives' created by 'popular culture and political media' which has led to 'all critical faculties go[ing] out the window'

Brian Flood tweeted: ‘CNN is all in on the Jussie Smollett news... but they keep forgetting the part where he claimed attackers were Trump supporters'

Ryan Fournier tweeted: 'Jussie Smollett is a liar and a fraud'

‘There was never any real attack,’ according to Ryan Fournier. ‘Jussie paid to be attacked and then made it look like Trump supporters did it'

Andrew Surabian tweeted: ‘And just like with Covington, the media was all too willing to help Jussie Smollett pull off his hoax and in the process frame Trump supporters in the court of public opinion before any actual facts came out’

Abimbola, pictured, was booked on DUI and speeding charges in July 2015 according to Chicago arrest records

The brothers were picked up at Chicago O'Hare Airport on Wednesday

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Smollet is seen with a cut cheek on Jan. 29

Police released this image of 'persons of interest' taken near the reported attack

Smollet is seen performing on February 2, where he called himself 'the gay Tupac'

Brothers Olabinjo 'Ola' Osundairo, 27, and Abimbola 'Abel' Osundairo, 25, were detained by police on February 13

Police logs show the items that cops seized from the Nigerian brothers' Chicago home

Police logs show the items that cops seized from the Nigerian brothers' Chicago home


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2019-02-22 12:14:04
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