移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2

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2022-03-26 10:36:15
i Uncle

I am coming to Toronto in July. I am a CPA Australia holder.
Is that you?
2022-03-26 10:36:51
Yes, I took CPAA in Hong Kong
2022-03-26 10:38:22
My English is not good. I am thinking in Chinese and made a lot grammatical mistakes and I don't bother to correct them
2022-03-26 10:40:09
oh, Fishing is good in HK too. At least that was the case 48 years ago.
2022-03-26 10:42:32
Do I get a medal for that?
2022-03-26 10:46:58
稅局捉人係咪有formula? 有咩人容易被稅局盯上?
2022-03-26 10:52:05
多倫多downtown 三十幾年來都幾大變化下
感覺呢個地方都仲好年輕 仲係發展當中
2022-03-26 10:55:29

2022-03-26 11:01:31
2022-03-26 11:25:05
Not in Toronto. Once in Edmonton
2022-03-26 11:25:59
I studied that at the Japanese Cultural Centre and a private teacher before that
2022-03-26 11:35:59
2022-03-26 11:39:55
Uncle點睇Yukon 呢個地方
2022-03-26 11:58:09
never been there, It is too cold .
2022-03-26 12:06:12
Hi uncle if a Canadian resident moved and worked couple years in hk without declaring non residency but did file income tax last year because there is a tfsa account with the bank. What will happen if he decided to come back to Canada? What will happen with the income he earned in hk? Does he need to pay taxes on those income while he transfer the money back to Canada?
2022-03-26 12:16:49
2022-03-26 12:19:50
which one do you prefer better, Calgary or Winnipeg
2022-03-26 12:25:30
need more info.
assume that is you

do you still have the following?
driver licence, health card, family ties
Did you report any income when you filed last year.
you are most likely be considered a resident for tax purposes.

If you meet all other requirements to be non-resident ,
Any individual that is a non-resident of Canada who has a valid SIN and who is 18 years of age or older is also eligible to open a TFSA. However, any contributions made while a non-resident will be subject to a 1% tax for each month the contribution stays in the account

2022-03-26 12:26:16
me? don't prefer neither
2022-03-26 12:26:53
會唔會係山口百惠 村下孝藏 中村雅俊 ...
2022-03-26 12:44:24
香港依家最多細條石九公,梳蘿, 泥鯭, ...
2022-03-26 12:48:43
Driver licence and heaa as health card have expired couple years ago but I am planning to go back this summer to renew them.
Family ties yes, but not in Ontario. No I didn’t report any income last year. Am I suppose to report the income I earned in hk ? Hope I won’t get denied entering Canada
2022-03-26 12:49:20
then any city you'd prefer with less living cost?
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