1) To uphold the motto of our school, we ..
2) always encourage and promote the participation in charity activities by our students
3) amounts raised by each class ..
4) we truly appreciate your generous donation in this event.
5) ( Official receipts will be issued for donations of $100 or more )
定春_2021-11-18 20:18:32
扣多你五十分2021-11-18 20:19:29
贅沢果肉2021-11-18 20:20:02
對呀!Government可以用單或雙, School唔知, 我見到啲權威字典只當單, 我小時候當晒佢哋全部係 It, 所以當係單, It has, It is
細佬控制大腦2021-11-18 20:20:17
好出奇呀2021-11-18 20:20:33
あゆりっこきゆい2021-11-18 20:20:35
Dear parents
We are pleased to inform you that we have successfully raised HK$3407.00 in total on the community chest causal day this year. The amount raised for each class can be found in the attached page for your easy reference.
To uphold our motto,As always, we encourage our students to participate in charity.
Please be informed that a donation receipt will be issued to the donor unless it's donation exceed $100 or more. Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms. Xxx.