Netflix《Unsolved Mysteries》(未解之謎) 有冇人睇?

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2020-07-08 03:25:32
2020-07-08 03:26:27
2020-07-08 03:28:00
2020-07-08 04:16:12
2020-07-08 08:39:50
2020-07-08 09:24:17
咪就係,正常屋企人失蹤,點會換鎖?個老公仲話當老婆啲骨灰係teddy bear咁一齊瞓,勁撚恐怖
2020-07-08 23:51:02
睇哂 好心寒唔知幾時出埋後面6集呢
我見us amazon prime有舊unsolved mysteries 但hk冇
2020-07-09 02:16:30
2020-07-09 03:18:25
2020-07-09 04:22:36
Interesting update, it looks like this is case is now classified as a homicide:

From the third to last paragraph: Interestingly, Brottman uncovers that Rivera's death is currently classified as a homicide, a discovery that launches her into yet another string of questions—characteristic of this case: "At what point did Rivera's death become an 'open homicide investigation?' Has it been one all along? If so, why was the scene of death allowed to be contaminated? Was this just a sloppy investigation? Why has there never been any active investigation of the case?"
2020-07-09 05:09:44
請問有無直接link 專post太長
2020-07-09 06:24:00
“Rey, it’s me.” Porter. “I know Allison’s gone, again, and you’ve got to be lonely over there all by yourself. I know the perfect remedy. Hear me out, bro. I just arranged for the helicopter to pick us up on top of that parking garage by the Belvedere.”

Rey: “Oh, shit.”

Porter: “You ready to join the Mile High Club, bro? Get off over the city?”

Rey: “I’m in, man.”

Porter: “All right, bro. I can’t wait to be in you.”

Rey rushes out the door, but in the lust of the moment, he forgets his cell phone. Before he peels out of the drive, he remembers the phone. And Allison. “Oh, shit,” he probably says again. “What if she calls?” He rushes back inside, grabs the cell, and heads for the makeshift helipad.

Upon Rey’s arrival, Porter lives up to his name by ushering Rey across the chopper’s threshold and reaches for the door behind them. “No,” Rey says abruptly. “Leave it open.”

“I like the way you think,” Porter says, imagining the explosive orgasm he would soon share with Rey.

Rey quickly extricates himself from all the entanglements that might mitigate his climax: he empties his pockets, removes his glasses, and shimmies out of his pants. Porter takes him from behind.

2020-07-09 06:24:48

level 1
0 points
9 hours ago
I got intimate vibes between the two friends. No one else thinks the two had a sexual relationship?
2020-07-09 06:29:40
2020-07-09 08:29:29
2020-07-09 11:39:50
2020-07-09 12:44:56
2020-07-09 12:45:56
2020-07-09 13:29:18
2020-07-09 15:34:34
2020-07-09 15:40:09
2020-07-09 15:55:43

2020-07-09 16:07:44
2020-07-09 17:18:28
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