HK police suspends bank account with no reason

31 回覆
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2019-12-19 18:50:47
When HongKongers tighten their belts to donate to Spark Alliance to help arrested hongkong protesters
hk police has just frozen their money and framed as money laundering. It's the prelude to further crackdowns on HK protests, just like what CCP did on civil society in China.
2019-12-19 18:51:31
HK police suspends bank account without any reasonable reason
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 18:56:48
HK police suspends bank account without any reasonable reason
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 19:00:35
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 19:09:33
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 19:10:56
2019-12-19 19:15:15
twitter 手足開波
2019-12-19 19:15:37
求置頂 英日法西文tweet整合


告知國際政府 社會




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如徳 意 韓 瑞典挪威波蘭

2019-12-19 19:32:36
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 19:33:33
2019-12-19 19:48:18
it means that hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 20:38:27
2019-12-19 20:39:39
"Financial centre"? Just a joke under CCP
2019-12-19 20:42:15
2019-12-19 21:04:59
hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
2019-12-19 21:06:56
hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
hk government can confiscate any foreign asset in hk
2019-12-19 21:22:03
hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
it means that hk government can confiscate any foreign asset in hk
2019-12-19 21:52:15
2019-12-19 21:56:06
Popo has a completely different concept of money laundering
2019-12-19 23:27:57
hk government can susupend any bank account without any reason
it means that hk government can confiscate any foreign asset in hk
2019-12-20 00:33:12
This mean war
2019-12-20 00:35:02
Want to apply for savings account in hong kong ?
please make sure you are not anti-Chinazi
2019-12-20 00:36:16
I would say “without a solid reason” instead of “with no reason”. They had said in the press it was because of AML
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