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2019-10-22 22:34:20
緣未到 或者等不到 但我知道
在世間 浮沈中總有命數
緣續了 但痛苦淚流 把笑容消耗
明白了 放下了 等於得到

塵俗當中有太多人 相識過愛不到
人生路 緣和怨 亦有一天衰老
月與影相好 離別那個代價高
逃不掉 那清早

情或愛 是否可終老 未會相告
俗世中 情長短早有定數
含著笑 扮作不在乎 比眼淚恐怖
凡事也 注定了 不需苦惱

塵俗當中有太多人 相識過愛不到
人生路 緣和怨 亦有一天衰老
月與影相好 離別那個代價高
逃不掉 那清早

成長了 明白了
2019-10-22 22:37:43
Dream On by Aerosmith!! It's a classic!! My friend Eddie has been having a crush on this girl named Jo for seven years. He's still holding out false hope that one day he'll become her boyfriend but she has a boyfriend. He's just being a doormat. During their trip to Thailand Eddie bought her lots of presents and keepsakes and paid for all her meals but at the end he ran out of money and so had to ask Jo to lend him some money who's now saying that he's staying close to her to take advantage of her and her money. They stayed in a twin room which has a pair of twin bed rather than a double bed. She told Eddie that she wouldn't sleep with any guy until she was married which we all know isn't true; she sleeps with her real boyfriend daily. Eddie knew it wasn't true but he didn't ind. She even told him twice that she was a bit attracted to him which gave him false hope. That's why he's still holding out false hope that very soon he'll be her boyfriend. Recently, Jo demanded that Eddie bought a Gucci limited edition handbag which costs twenty seven thousand dollars. Eddie bought it but when he found out Jo was taking advantage of him he felt very upset. Another girl named Shirley who he fancied took him to a beauty parlour and sold him facial sessions for twelve thousand dollars. Eddie didn't know he was being taken advantage of until he made his payment on his credit card. As soon as he made his payment Shirley's whole manner changed. Her expression looked immediately different because she got what she wanted already. She pretended to be cute and said "We can do facials together sweetie" then he got persuaded. He got rejected by so many girls maybe due to the fact that he has no qualifications whatsoever so he ended up working as a security guard in a residential building with little career prospects. He fancied my sister so she avoided him. He studied higher diploma in Australia but besides IT he failed all the exams and failed them again in his resits so he couldn't apply for a student visa again. He ended up being a security guard in a residential building whose salary is twelve thousand dollars a month. Recently, he said he wanted to take a shot at the CPA exam and become an accountant with better career prospects. It'll improve his job prospects but the next day he said it would be a waste of time if he failed so he gave up. The problem is he doesn't wanna step out of his comfort zone; he'd rather be an ordinary security guard for the rest of his life. In addition, he's extremely skinny; he's 180 centimetres tall but weighs less than 110 pounds. I suggested gaining weight but he didn't listen. I tried to encourage him but to no effect. Jo and Shirley must have swept him off his feet in years past. Eddie is invited to a marathon next month but he may be out of condition for it. By the way it's been reported that some iphones particularly iphone seven emit radiation over the legal limit so I suggest that you use Samsung Note ten plus instead as it emits the least radiation out of all phones to date. Galaxy S nine also has amazingly low radiation.
2019-10-22 22:38:33
人群裡為人群顧慮 逃離總有逃離空虛
時而走近時而遠去 誰散與聚 都居於心裡
2019-10-22 22:45:02
2019-10-22 22:51:02
Juno 我有時覺得
2019-10-22 22:54:29
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2019-10-23 00:08:42
2019-10-23 00:12:28
2019-10-23 00:22:07
2019-10-23 00:40:02
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞