[Welcome any foreigners]翻譯區[Translation]

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2019-09-03 03:09:49
You guys are missing an nuclear bomb ah!
2302 Prince Edward
An unarmed teen asked an policeman (hongkongers called them as "Dog")
"Where is your conscience?" Teen was attacked by the police immediately and hurt. His blood split over his neck,shirt and backpack. Teen tried to convince the cop emotionally. However the cop didn't answer and bring him up to the police car.
Ohhh only say a word and being hit until bleed?also arrested?why there is no one saying this in popular post?

I can try to translate any post you guys wanna check out please show me the post down below.
For sure I can keep updating this too.Feel free to ask any questions.
2019-09-03 03:10:50
2019-09-03 03:11:27
Support bro
2019-09-03 03:12:49
can help
2019-09-03 03:15:25
Dog called delivery for fried rice,what happened after they open it
2019-09-03 03:33:56

push push
2019-09-03 03:36:42
Some opinions from popular post
[White Terror Successes?No one is talking about events of this week?]
I want to ask everyone. Are you guys really like how the government said.
When the protests were postponed til the opening of school or all the protesters were arrested. Then they can really stop people from voicing out?
This week do not even have one official post among popular posts. Afterwards some may say again "we can't make it because not enough promotion and limited time for publicity"
All those kind of excuses and the result will be like today(2/9)strike.
I am telling all of you
This sat or sun(we can discuss on the dates)
We should continue airport pressure test (now we don't call it occupying)
But why should we do so?even Mr Frank Chan Fan, JP, Secretary for Transport and Housing said the Reuters is not legal-bounded.
They can do nothing towards the act of the protest peaceful testing in the airport.
Protesters can still stop the airport from operating normally

Frank Chan said"The Reuters is not lawful anymore, we will try other methods to deal with the situation"
Please don't lighten any time of our success {tho we don't see ourselves succeed, because these so called succeed were built by the blood and future of protesters}
Last time we talked about walking to the airport, but the cops have blocked all the possible way. So we can't walk in.
Afterwards,I knew some must say"Hard to leave,"Must be blocked easily"
But I have a suggestion, we can stay in our car or transports and stuck with everyone else there. Lowering the chance the cops arrest people on road.
And most of the people on the road were tourist, how can they arrest all of them.
I knew every time any post about the airport pressure test have no one push it so i will start a 1001 campaign myself.(in Lihkg, post limit is1001 except for special post like central discussion of the event)
Thank you for your time
2019-09-03 03:41:08
2019-09-03 04:05:51
未爛未拆 咁樣入!
[制裁黨鐵] 低調跳閘方法 必定通關
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

2019-09-03 13:30:51
2019-09-03 13:31:21
We welcome everyone from the world !!!
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